tiger8u2 Posted April 16, 2012 Share Posted April 16, 2012 (edited) Several NPC's in the game either state or imply their particular sexual orientation through dialogue. I'm using this to assign orientation based factions to trigger dialogue options and results in my ADULT mod Art of Seduction. If anyone has any suggestion as to which of the following orientations to assign to an NPC, please post a reply: Abstinence BisexualGay/LesbianStraight I've got most of the PRIMARY NPC's covered, but I might have missed someone. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here are the assignments I have so far (Thanks for the suggestion Pelgar): DocMitchellRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0RoseofSharonCassidyREF.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0vMOLaceyREF.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0TrudyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0RingoRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0GSChetRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0GoodspringsSettler04Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0EthelPhebusRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0WalterPhebusRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VStreetSS6Trooper02Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStreetSS6Trooper01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VStreetSS6Traveler02Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VStreetSS6Traveler01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0MrHoldoutRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VStreetHooker03Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStreetHooker01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0BillyKnightRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VStripSS1AdmirerBRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VStripSS1AdmirerDRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VStripSS1GirlARef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStripSS1GirlBRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStripSS1GirlCRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStripSS3Girl01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStripSS3Girl02Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStreetNCREmbassyGuard01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStripNCRTrooperDRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStripSS4MPBRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStripSS4MPARef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VStripBadRepMP.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFortBennyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0FortCaesarRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0FortLuciusRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0FortVulpesIncultaRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0FortCaesarTentGuardRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0FortBennyGuardRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0CraigBooneRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0SunnyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VMS21JoanaRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0DazzleRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSTheKingRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VeronicaRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0RoseofSharonCassidyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0RaulRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0MannyVargasRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSElizabethKieranRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0GSJoeCobbRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VBSVexillariusRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VBSCLLEgionary6Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VBSCLLEgionary5Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VBSCLLEgionary4Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VBSCLLEgionary3Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VBSCLLEgionary2Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSBeatrixRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSJulieFarkasRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0ArcadeRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSFarrisRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSWayneRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSRoyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSNeutralBenefitLocalRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSGoodBenefitKIngRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSEvilBenefitThugRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSKingBodyguardEastRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSBodyguard02Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSBodyguard01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSRotfaceRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSKingBodyGuardNorthRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSGenaroRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSTomDooleyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSBodyguardTalkingAboutOrrisRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSGamblerTalkingToOrrisRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSOrrisRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSBodyguard03Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSFreesideNorthLocal01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSFreesideNorthLocal02Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSWaterPumpGuard1Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSSimonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0BillRonteRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSVanGraffCrierRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSAtomicWranglerCrierRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSJaneRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSOldBenRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0AlerioRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VVulpesIncultaStripRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0 CampGolfNCRTrooperWanderB1REF.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0CampGolfNCRTrooperWanderC1REF.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0CorporalSterlingRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0CorporalBetsyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0LittleBusterRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0TenofSpadesRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0SergeantBitterRootRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0LieutenantGorobetsRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0MajorDhatriRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0NVBlakeRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VOVNVJulesRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0NVCrandonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0SquatterWatchQuest1REF.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0SquatterWatchQuest2REF.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0SquatterWatchQuest3REF.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0SaintJamesRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0DermotRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VRemJudahKregerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0MarcoRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0HectorRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VStreetPDFluffCREF.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0AndersonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0PrettySarahRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0JimmyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0MaudeRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0SweetieRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0PrivateMoralesRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0SupplyOfficerContrerasRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0LieutenantBoydRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0AngelaWilliamsRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0SilusRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0ColonelHsuRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0ThomasHildernRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0CorporalHornsbyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0 PrimmDeputyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0TommyToriniREF.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VMS38RedLucyREF.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0NoBarkRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0DustyMcBrideRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0AliceMcBrideRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0CliffBriscoeRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0RangerAndyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0JeannieMayCrawfordRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0NellisBoomerTeacherRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0NellisPearlRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0MrsHostetlerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0AliceRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS21LizaRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VAmbassadorCrockerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VStreetJakeErwinRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VStreetMariePappasRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0NCREmbassyClandenRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0SarahWeintraubRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VRRCPapaKhanRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VRRCRegisRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VRRCKarlRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0CFHRichardsRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0CFHMajorPolatliRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0CFHSergeantReyesRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0DoctorKempRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSASexualFaction 0CorporalFarberRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VRemCannibalJohnsonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0AliceMcLaffertyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0NorthVegasMrHostetlerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSFrancineGarretRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSJamesGarretRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0VFSCalebMcCaffery1Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0HadrianRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0HenryJamisonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSPacerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSKingGroupie02Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VFSKingGroupie01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0FreesideRalphRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0FreesideMickRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VFSJeanBaptisteCuttingRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VFSGloriaVanGraffRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0OldLadyGibsonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0VMS21TroikeRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VGOMEntranceGuardRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS21CachinoRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS21SalMuscleRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VMS21NeroMuscleRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS21BigSalRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VMS21NeroRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS21ClandenRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0FantasticRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0IgnacioRivasRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VHELIOSNCRTrooperFrontDeskLeanRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0HVTeacherRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0HVInitiateStantonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0LindaSchulerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0RamosRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0TorresRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0MelissaWatkinsRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0EdgarHardinRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0NolanMcNamaraRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0vMORRangerJacksonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0vMOMajorKnightRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0YvetteRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0ScorpionAAMRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0ScorpionHMRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0ScorpionCMRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0ScorpionHFRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0ScorpionCFRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0NCRCFHanniganRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0NCRCFEddieRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0NCRCFScramblerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0Boomer00FRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0Boomer00MRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0BoomerMunitionsManagerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0NellisArgyllRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0NellisLoyalRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0NellisJackRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0JackLoveInterestRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0BCPrivateGilbertRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0DoctorUsanagiRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0vNiptonBoxcarsRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0BruceIsaacRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VRemOrionMorenoRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VRemDaisyWhitmanRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0VCaravanMerc01NovacRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VCaravanMerchant01NovacRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0PrimmMcGeeRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0PrimmNCRTrooper3Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0PrimmRubyNashRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0PrimmJohnsonNashRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0MiguelRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0KellerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0V03MotorRunnerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS18MarjorieRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS18TedGundersonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0VMS18PhilippeRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VMS18HeadWaiterRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS18WhiteGloveKitchenPatrollerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0VMS18MortimerRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS18ChaunceyRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0WhiteGlove1Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSGayFaction 0WhiteGlove2Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0VMS18HeckGundersonRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSASexualFaction 0JasonBright.setfactionrank aaaAOSASexualFaction 0ChrisHaversamRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSAsexualFaction 0NellisRaquelREF.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0V3Prisoner01Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0V3Prisoner02Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0V3Prisoner02Ref.setfactionrank aaaAOSStraightFaction 0FiendCookCookRef.setfactionrank aaaAOSBisexualFaction 0 Edited April 18, 2012 by tiger8u2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pelgar Posted April 16, 2012 Share Posted April 16, 2012 I just downloaded your mod and will give it a try soon. The sex mods I've tried so far are just way to much of a good thing. You would probably get more response to this thread if you gave us a list of the NPC's you've already assigned orientation to. Without the list it's just a shot in the dark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kschang77 Posted April 17, 2012 Share Posted April 17, 2012 It's not just orientation, you also have to add faction/type/specie preference and "specialties". Garrett (the guy) at Atomic Wrangler, for example, seem to have a robot fetish, so it'd be like, well, "other". While the ghoul cowgirl Beatrice has customers that, of course, have a ghoul fetish (or are ghouls) THEN you add in the special preferences, like Beatrice is a dominatrix, so she needs to be coded with S&M - Top / Dominant (instead of bottom = submissive) Big Ben is obviously hetero, but he's the kind that will REALLY show a girl a good time, smooth talker and all that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tiger8u2 Posted April 18, 2012 Author Share Posted April 18, 2012 It's not just orientation, you also have to add faction/type/specie preference and "specialties". Garrett (the guy) at Atomic Wrangler, for example, seem to have a robot fetish, so it'd be like, well, "other". While the ghoul cowgirl Beatrice has customers that, of course, have a ghoul fetish (or are ghouls) THEN you add in the special preferences, like Beatrice is a dominatrix, so she needs to be coded with S&M - Top / Dominant (instead of bottom = submissive) Big Ben is obviously hetero, but he's the kind that will REALLY show a girl a good time, smooth talker and all that. I totally agree.....BUT....the work of creating factions for EVERY known sexual fetish isn't worth the trouble. MOST players are going to fall into one of the factions I've identified. NPC's are going to also....even though they might have other proclivities not listed. As far as Ghouls are concerned....IMHO they are still people and will have orientations in line with other NPC's. It might be that they are more likely to be gay or bisexual to ensure their needs get met. That is open to debate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nivea Posted April 18, 2012 Share Posted April 18, 2012 Male gay characters:Major KnightManny VargasArcade Gannon (duh XD)Ignacio RivasJimmy at the Casa Madrid Apartments.Dr. Alex Richards Bi guys:Old BenCarlyle St. Clair III Off the top of my head anyways, that list is really long so I didnt get a good look through lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quetzlsacatanango Posted April 18, 2012 Share Posted April 18, 2012 Manny Vargas? Missed that one... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pelgar Posted April 18, 2012 Share Posted April 18, 2012 You have Cass listed twice, once as bisexual and once as straight.I've made a list with my preferences. Working from a list of FNV NPC's I simply assigned sexual preference based on my best recollection, first impression, gut feeling... I'm sure some are just plain wrong.Comparing my list to yours it seems I lean a lot more towards straight when there is basically nothing to go on, you seem to lean a lot more towards bi. Your list has about ninety percent of the female NPC's set to bisexual, that's going to be a bit much for my taste. Here's my list. Even if you disagree with most of my assignments you at least have a pretty comprehensive list of NPC's to work from. Alexander Merchant 000e604f 188 gay or bi Arms merchant Merchant 000e689a 188 straight Ezekiel Followers 00148c26 188 who knows Michelle Kerr Merchant 000e5f17 188 straight Samuel Kerr Merchant 000e5f36 188 straight The Forecaster 000e604c 188 kid Veronica Santangelo Companion 000e32aa 188 gay Captain Parker 000f839a Aerotech straight Frank Weathers 000f839d Aerotech straight Keith Caravan 000f839c Aerotech who knows Horowitz 0015e9e6 Aerotech who knows Bert Gunnarsson Doctor 000f839b Aerotech straight Captain Gilles 0012ac9e Bitter Springs straight Lieutenant Markland Doctor 0012ac9f Bitter Springs straight Oscar Velasco 0012aca0 Bitter Springs straight Neil Temp companion 000e60f0 Black Mountain who knows Raul Tejada Companion 000e60ef Black Mountain straight Tabitha 000e60f1 Black Mountain who knows Rhonda Temp companion 000e84a2 Black Mountain who knows Ike Merchant 0010c6ea Boulder City straight Jessup 0010c0be Boulder City straight Lieutenant Monroe 0010c6dd Boulder City straight McMurphy 00101c9d Boulder City straight Private Ackerman 0010eb2b Boulder City straight Private Gilbert 0010fa83 Boulder City straight Gourd 001558d7 Brewer's who knows (I've never ran across this guy?) Paladin Sato 00159a9c BoS Safehouse straight Doctor Alex Richards Doctor 00120dcd Forlorn Hope straight Major Joseph Polatli 00120dcc Forlorn Hope straight Private James Sexton 00126d47 Forlorn Hope straight Private Stone 00123cc6 Forlorn Hope straight Quartermaster Mayes Merchant 00120dce Forlorn Hope straight Sergeant Cooper 001258e0 Forlorn Hope straight Tech Sergeant Reyes 0010d23d Forlorn Hope straight (how did you come up with bi for her?) Chief Hanlon 00104310 Camp Golf straight Doc Sawbones Doctor 00155a03 Camp Golf who knows Mags 00104315 Camp Golf bi O'Hanrahan 00104312 Camp Golf straight Poindexter 00104311 Camp Golf gay Razz 00104314 Camp Golf straight Sergeant McCredie 00104313 Camp Golf straight Private Halford Temp companion 0013f323 Camp Guardian straight 10 of Spades 000f56f7 Camp McCarran straight Angela Williams 000f2746 Camp McCarran straight Captain Ronald Curtis 000e8994 Camp McCarran bi Corporal Sterling 000f56f9 Camp McCarran Abstinence Colonel James Hsu 000e8992 Camp McCarran straight (I would say straight but could go either way) Corporal Betsy 000f56fb Camp McCarran gay Corporal Walter Hornsby 000fa749 Camp McCarran straight Corporal William Farber Merchant 000e8f69 Camp McCarran straight Davey Crenshaw 000f8298 Camp McCarran straight Doctor Kemp Doctor 000f3bce Camp McCarran who knows (Never seen this guy 5 or 6 play throughs) Lieutenant Carrie Boyd 000e8993 Camp McCarran gay/bi Lieutenant Gorobets 000f56fe Camp McCarran straight Little Buster 000f56fc Camp McCarran straight (how did you come up with gay, is he stressing his like for women too much?) Major Dhatri 000f56f8 Camp McCarran who knows Private Christina Morales 000e8f6d Camp McCarran straight Sergeant Bitter-Root 000f56fa Camp McCarran straight Sergeant Daniel Contreras Merchant 000e5518 Camp McCarran straight Silus 000ee688 Camp McCarran bi Thomas Hildern 000e8f6b Camp McCarran straight Dead Sea 0011f90f Camp Nelson bi Ranger Milo Temp companion 001300ed Camp Nelson straight First Sergeant Astor 0013fe78 Searchlight straight Private Kyle Edwards 0013fe79 Searchlight who knows Logan Temp companion 0013fe7a Searchlight straight Cannibal Johnson Temp companion 001010b7 Cave Abstinence Carlyle St. Clair III 00127dcc St. Clair's who knows (I've never met him) Aurelius of Phoenix 0012b512 Cottonwood Cove bi Canyon Runner 0012b514 Cottonwood Cove bi Cursor Lucullus 0012b515 Cottonwood Cove bi Decanus Severus 0012b513 Cottonwood Cove bi Kenny Weathers 001364c7 Cottonwood Cove straight Mrs. Weathers 00130bb9 Cottonwood Cove straight Sammy Weathers 001364c8 Cottonwood Cove straight Anders 001413c2 Cottonwood Cove straight Alice McLafferty 000ec7a1 Crimson Caravan straight Blake Merchant 000f1863 Crimson Caravan straight Don Hostetler 000f271c Crimson Caravan straight Janet 000feb3c Crimson Caravan straight Ringo Caravan 00104c7c Crimson Caravan straight The Lonesome Drifter 0011f9be El Dorado Gas straight George 000ff803 Nellis straight Doctor Alvarez 0015a359 Follower's OPst straight Luria Doctor 0015a028 Followers Sfhse who knows (I've never been inside Followers Safehouse) April Martimer 0015882b Freeside straight Arcade Gannon Companion 0010c767 Freeside gay Atomic Wrangler crier 0013ec2d Freeside bi Beatrix Russell 0011fc07 Freeside bi Big Beard 001158b2 Freeside who knows Caleb McCaffery 00116e22 Freeside straight Dixon Merchant 00117e11 Freeside bi Farris 00113647 Freeside straight Fisto 0011e4c2 Freeside bi Francine Garret Merchant 0010c680 Freeside gay Genaro Merchant 0013ec2c Freeside who knows Gloria Van Graff Merchant 0010c67d Freeside gay Grecks 0010fd31 Freeside who knows Hadrian 0011f9b9 Freeside straight Henry Jamison 000ff1b8 Freeside straight Irate Ida 0016336c Freeside who knows (haven't encountered her) James Garret Merchant 0010c67e Freeside bi Jean-Baptiste Cutting 0010c681 Freeside straight Julie Farkas Doctor 0010c682 Freeside straight The King 0010c762 Freeside straight Lady Jane 0010fd2f Freeside straight Major Elizabeth Kieran 0010c764 Freeside who knows Little Beard temp 001258b3 Freeside who knows Malefic Maud 00163369 Freeside who knows Mick Merchant 0010c761 Freeside straight Mick & Ralph's crier 0013ec2e Freeside child Mr. Soren 0012411c Freeside who knows Old Ben 0015968a Freeside bi Orris Temp companion 00115c38 Freeside straight Pacer 0010e037 Freeside straight Ralph Merchant 0010c760 Freeside straight Rancorous Ruth 0016336b Freeside who knows Rotface 0010c683 Freeside straight Roy 00113649 Freeside Abstinence Santiago 0010fd30 Freeside bi Silver Rush crier 0013ec2f Freeside who knows Simon 00118374 Freeside straight Tapper 00123c91 Freeside who knows Vagrant 0014e83c Freeside Abstinence (prob. suffers from ED) Wayne 00113648 Freeside who knows Old Lady Gibson Merchant 00084206 Gibson Yard Abstinence Barton Thorn 00157c8d Goodsprings straight Chet Merchant 00104c78 Goodsprings straight Easy Pete 00104c7f Goodsprings Abstinence Joe Cobb 00104c67 Goodsprings straight Doc Mitchell Doctor 00104c0c Goodsprings straight Ringo 00104c7c Goodsprings straight Sunny Smiles Temp companion 00104e84 Goodsprings straight Trudy Merchant 00104c6c Goodsprings straight Victor 00103dfd Goodsprings Robot Fitz Merchant 000f0b31 Grub n' Gulp straight Lupe Merchant 000ef468 Grub n' Gulp straight Isaac 000ed4e2 Gun Runners straight Vendortron Merchant 000edc34 Gun Runners Robot Lieutenant Haggerty 000e07d5 Helios One straight Fantastic 000e07d3 Helios One who knows Ignacio Rivas 000e07d4 Helios One bi Ranger Dobson 000acd6b Hidden Valley who knows Apprentice Melissa Watkins 000e2f82 Hidden Valley straight Head Scribe Lars Taggart 000e2f83 Hidden Valley who knows Initiate Stanton 0010a6fe Hidden Valley bi Knight Torres Merchant 000e27e5 Hidden Valley straight Elder Nolan McNamara 000e2f84 Hidden Valley who knows Head Paladin Ramos 00164604 Hidden Valley straight Scribe Ibsen 0010af1b Hidden Valley who knows Senior Knight Lorenzo 000a41a3 Hidden Valley bi Head Paladin Hardin 000e2f85 Hidden Valley straight Senior Scribe Schuler Doctor 000e27e6 Hidden Valley bi Colonel Cassandra Moore 001206fc Hoover Dam straight Quartermaster Bardon Merchant 001300a8 Hoover Dam gay Engineer Allison Valentine 0014f279 Hoover Dam straight Ranger Grant 0013721e Hoover Dam straight General Lee Oliver 001300a9 Hoover Dam straight Head Engineer Mike Lawson 001300a7 Hoover Dam who knows Private Jeremy Watson 001300a6 Hoover Dam who knows President Aaron Kimball 0013002d Hoover Dam who knows Ranger Stevens 00137acf Hoover Dam who knows Alice Hostetler 000f6371 Hostetler home straight Mrs. Hostetler 000eddd0 Hostetler home straight Calamity Merchant 0013d831 Jacobstown bi/gay Doctor Henry Doctor 00133957 Jacobstown straight Keene 0013f70d Jacobstown who knows Lily Bowen Companion 0013d834 Jacobstown Abstinence Marcus 0013a7eb Jacobstown who knows Norton 00148a32 Jacobstown who knows Legate Lanius 001300aa Legate's Camp bi Lacey Merchant 0013d6a7 Mojave Outpost straight Major Knight Repair 0013d6a4 Mojave Outpost gay Ranger Ghost 0013d6a2 Mojave Outpost straight Ranger Jackson 0013d6a1 Mojave Outpost straight Rose of Sharon Cassidy Companion 00133fdd Mojave Outpost STRAIGHT (She's in you list twice once bi, once straight) Sergeant Kilborn 00136fd3 Mojave Outpost who knows Malcolm Holmes Merchant 0010596b wanderer straight Roller 000ece21 Monte Carlo who knows Yvette 000ed4e9 Monte Carlo gay Carter Merchant 000cef3b NCRCF who knows Chavez 000e32a2 NCRCF who knows Dawes 0008f13a NCRCF who knows Eddie 0008d0e9 NCRCF who knows Hannigan Doctor 000d71b6 NCRCF who knows Lee yes 000e5299 NCRCF who knows Meyers 0008d0e7 NCRCF straight Scrambler 0008d0eb NCRCF who knows Anne 0015ec2c NCR Farms who knows Lieutenant Romanowski 000f05e2 NCR Farms straight Morgan Blake 0015a245 NCR Farms straight Private Ortega 000f3bf8 NCR Farms straight Trent Bascom 000f04ad NCR Farms straight Argyll Doctor 000ff265 Nellis gay Boomer chef Merchant 00106623 Nellis Abstinence Boomer munitions manager Merchant 0015d78f Nellis who knows Jack 000ff264 Nellis straight Lindsay 00103869 Nellis child Loyal 000fed42 Nellis Abstinence Pearl 000fed43 Nellis Abstinence Pete 000fed41 Nellis child Raquel 000ff262 Nellis straight Doctor Usanagi Doctor 000ec7a3 NV Med Clinic bi Alerio 0013a5fe NV Strip bi Amb. Dennis Crocker 00112640 NV Strip bi Carlitos Wayne 0011f862 NV Strip straight Emily Ortal Doctor 0011904e NV Strip straight Ethel Phebus 0011eb5b NV Strip Abstinence Private Jake Erwin 00112642 NV Strip who knows Kate 001228db NV Strip straight Liza O'Malley 0010c6fa NV Strip straight Marie Pappas 00112641 NV Strip who knows Martina Groesbeck 0011e496 NV Strip who knows Michael Angelo 0011253e NV Strip gay Mr. New Vegas 0011e496 NV Strip Sarah Weintraub Merchant 00116597 NV Strip STRAIGHT Vulpes Inculta 00131f77 NV Strip bi Billy Knight 0011f9ba NV Strip who knows Mister Holdout Merchant 0014efb2 NV Strip gay Big Sal 0010c6f4 Gomorrah straight Button Man 0011e752 Gomorrah gay Cachino 0010c6f5 Gomorrah bi Clanden 0010c6f9 Gomorrah straight Dazzle Temp companion 000f43d5 Gomorrah bi Joana Temp companion 0010c6f6 Gomorrah bi Gomorrah floor manager 00160800 Gomorrah who knows Nero 0010c6f3 Gomorrah who knows Troike 0010c6f7 Gomorrah straight Jane 00116a50 Lucky 38 robot Mr. House Lucky 38 Abstinence Benny 00101c9b The Tops bi S*censored* 00113456 The Tops straight The Tops cashier 00144f32 The Tops straight The Tops floor manager 00145f8a The Tops who knows Tommy Torini 001164fc The Tops who knows Yes Man 001164f9 The Tops robot Assassin 0011689c Ultra-Luxe who knows Chauncey 0010d4ea Ultra-Luxe who knows Crusoe 00116892 Ultra-Luxe who knows Heck Gunderson 0010d4eb Ultra-Luxe Abstinence Marjorie 0010d4e7 Ultra-Luxe who knows Mortimer 0010d4e8 Ultra-Luxe Abstinence Philippe 0010d4e9 Ultra-Luxe gay Ted Gunderson Temp companion 0010d4ec Ultra-Luxe straight Walter Phebus 0011e6b6 Ultra-Luxe gay White Glove greeter 0012baae Ultra-Luxe bi Boxcars 00134972 Nipton straight Gabban 001547bb Nipton bi Jacklyn 0010596d Nipton who knows Oliver Swanick 00134985 Nipton who knows (I suspect gay, just don't care. I plan to shoot on sight next playthrough) Vulpes Inculta 001300e2 Nipton gay Tomas 0010596c Nipton straight Greasy Johnny 000f52ab North sewers who knows Andy Scabb 000f6370 North Vegas Sq who knows Crandon 000eddcf North Vegas Sq straight Jules 0013e307 North Vegas Sq straight Squatter Bill 000f3b86 North Vegas Sq who knows Alice McBride 000ccfc8 Novac straight Bruce Isaac 0011f9b8 Novac straight Cliff Briscoe Merchant 0008cd27 Novac straight Craig Boone Companion 00092bd2 Novac straight Daisy Whitman 00133958 Novac Abstinence Dr. Ada Straus Doctor 000ce88c Novac straight Dusty McBride 000b8fa0 Novac straight Jeannie May Crawford 0008d749 Novac straight Manny Vargas 000941dc Novac straight No-bark Noonan 0008cd23 Novac Abstinence (Another ED problem, if you add viagra to your mod I'd say straight) Ranger Andy 0008f0ba Novac straight Orion Moreno 00133955 Moreno's house Abstinence Deputy Beagle Temp companion 000d7f57 Primm straight ED-E Companion 0010c769 Primm robot Johnson Nash Merchant 000da729 Primm Abstinence Layla 000e8d1a Primm who knows Lieutenant Hayes 000e2c94 Primm bi Private Tyrone 000e7c1b Primm who knows Primm Slim 000e2886 Primm robot Ruby Nash 000e2881 Primm Abstinence Sergeant McGee 000e2c93 Primm who knows Comm Officer Castillo 0010f700 RS Alpha gay Ranger Rebecca Lineholm 0011baee RS Alpha straight Comm Officer Tilden 00110d89 RS Bravo straight Ranger Ericsen 0011e4fc RS Bravo straight Comm Officer Stepinac 0011324e RS Charlie bi Comm Officer Scheffer 00116b3f RS Delta bi Ranger Pason 0011ebdd Rs Delta straight Comm Officer Green 0011324d Rs Echo straight Ranger Erasmus 0011fb7c Rs Echo straight Private Kyle Edwards 0013fe79 Rs Echo who knows Comm Officer Lenk 00116b40 Rs Foxtrot straight Ranger Kudlow 00120183 Rs Foxtrot straight Diane 00140e6d Great Khan straight Great Khan armorer Merchant 0014edbe Great Khan who knows Jack Merchant 00140e6b Great Khan straight Jerry the Punk 001413bd Great Khan bi Karl 00140e60 Great Khan bi Melissa Lewis 000e595c Great Khan straight Papa Khan 00140e53 Great Khan straight Regis 00140e70 Great Khan straight Jason Bright 001428ed REPCONN Test who knows Davison 0007f8e1 REPCONN Test who knows Harland 00080771 REPCONN Test straight Chris Haversam 000810e9 REPCONN Test gay Chomps Lewis 000e5958 Sloan straight Jas Wilkins Merchant 000e595b Sloan straight Driver Nephi 000f56ff SVs Ruins who knows Cook-Cook 000f5700 SVs Ruins bi Alexus 001300ee Techatticup bi Private Renolds 001300f0 Techatticup straight Antony 00120172 The Fort bi Benny 001630cd The Fort bi Caesar 00121fef The Fort bi Dale Barton Merchant 0011fc9d The Fort who knows Lucullus 0012b515 The Fort bi Lupa 001252bf The Fort dog Melody 00122b97 The Fort child Otho 00122b95 The Fort bi Ranger Stella 00137123 The Fort who knows Sergeant Andrews 00137121 The Fort who knows Siri Merchant 0011f9d0 The Fort gay Vulpes Inculta 00122b99 The Fort bi Philip Lem 0013e4d7 Vault 19 straight Samuel Cooke 0013e4d6 Vault 19 straight Keely 000e8f6c Vault 22 who knows BoneGnash 000efb26 Vault 3 dog Bryce Anders 000ef3aa Vault 3 straight Daniel 000f512d Vault 3 who knows Dennis 000f47a9 Vault 3 who knows GhashBone 000efb25 Vault 3 dog Motor-Runner 000ef3ab Vault 3 bi Rachael 000f47ac Vault 3 who knows Rick Lancer 000f47ab Vault 3 who knows Violet 000f56fd Violet's trlr bi Violetta 0013e5b9 Violet's trlr dog Clayton Etienne Merchant 000fa877 Westside straight Dermot 000f889a Westside Abstinence Hector 000ed50d Westside child Jimmy 000f624f Westside gay Judah Kreger 00133956 Westside Abstinence Keller 000f1864 Westside straight Klamath Bob Merchant 000f839e Westside who knows Marco 000f624e Westside straight Maude 000f6250 Westside bi Mean Sonofabitch 000f83a2 Westside who knows Miguel Merchant 000e8f96 Westside straight Pretty Sarah 000f6252 Westside gay Red Lucy 001347d9 Westside straight Saint James 000f889b Westside straight (pervert but likes them female) Sweetie 000f6251 Westside bi Tom Anderson 000f1095 Westside straight Pauline Wins 000e2dce Wins hideout straight Sammy Wins 000e2dcf Wins hideout straight Duke 000fea1d Zapp's Neon who knows Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nivea Posted April 18, 2012 Share Posted April 18, 2012 (edited) Manny Vargas? Missed that one... Yup, if you have the confirmed bachelor perk you can sweet talk him into giving you the information about Benny by talking to him about how people depend on him so much but ignore his "needs"/feelings on everything. He then asks you to deal with the ghouls because he thinks your a great guy, even through he told you already what you want to know. It gives a whole new feel to him and Boone's wife issue, I personally think he has a thing for Boone and Boone's wife was really rubbing him the wrong way. Course he knows Boone is straight so its kind of a unrequited feeling thing with Manny. But that is just my whole feel on it once you realize he is gay lol! Kinda shocked so many people list his as straight o_O From wiki: Boone is likely unaware that Manny loves him, which is implied through a jealous comment he makes about Carla if the player has the Confirmed Bachelor or Cherchez La Femme perk. Ignacio Rivas: You can only flirt with him if you have the confirmed bachelor perk and he responds positively to it. Dr. Alex Richards: Flirts nonstop with a character who has the confirmed bachelor perk. Edited April 18, 2012 by nivea Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tiger8u2 Posted April 20, 2012 Author Share Posted April 20, 2012 Excellent input everyone. Thanks! I'll update my list ASAP. The main pain is getting the REFID for each NPC. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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