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I need some help with Mod Organizer


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So I'm posting this here as I have no clue where else I could post it and get any results, and this is probably the best place to ask anyway so here goes.


For a bit of context this is not my first time using MO it is simply the first time anything like this has ever happened to me that I couldn't just google the error and get an answer.

One more thing I am using the latest version of MO and FNISso them being out of date is not the problem.


Without further adieu the error ( failed to inject dll into "GenerateFNISforUsers.exe":failed to access thread context. Please note that mod organizer does not support 64bit Binaries! (the parameter is incorrect [87]) )

and what I did to get it was well long story I tried to run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe through MOand it just keeps giving me this error I'll post the screenshots I have in a reply.


Thank you in advance for any tips you can give


P.S. If you need more screenshots just let me know what you need and I'll get it for you


Problem solved Sorry I'm just a little blind and missed something super obvious

Edited by LillaJade
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I am having the same problem if you could post your solution to this problem that would be awesome!


I have looked on the FNIS and MO websites in order to get FNIS to work properly as MO organised the executable for FNIS in a different so I looked on the website for answers and followed the instructions and found that I was supposed to run it through MO as a binary but was displayed the same message.


I'm hopeless when it comes to modding so I imagine i've just missed something




*I've just read the comment above thanks regenshine haha

Edited by SpaceWalrus123
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