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Leveled Armor Looting Mod


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A mod I propose wouldn't be too complex but would, I feel, add an extra level of depth to the game.


There are a lot of leveled weapons in Skyrim that can be obtained by slaying boss creatures at the end of dungeons or found throught your travels such as Chillrend, Gauldur Blackblade and The Plae Blade, but there seems to be a lack of this for armors.


It seems very rare indeed I find some form of enchanted leveled armor and there are LOTS as you can see here


There are a few mods on the skyrim nexus that overhaul looting a little bit but none of them seems to be about adding that 1 or 2 rewarding pieces of leveled loot from a dungeon run.


If anyone feels they could make/have made or know of a mod like this I'm very interested in what you have to offer

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