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I'm trying to learn how to create my own armor. I have a whole concept sketch done up, but first I wanted to create something simple and get it working before I tackle a full set. I've already hit some trouble. When adding my .nif to the creation kit (using this tutorial, at the part 'Add the armor to the game using the CK') I get a big red triangle with an exclamation mark on the Model Data preview and it says Marker_error:0. Does anyone know what I've done wrong, or what I've not done at all? Or how to fix it?


Also, after I'm comfortable with the process and get something successfully imported to the game I think I'll go ahead and make my own tutorial for getting armor into the game. This tutorial is ok, it just leaves a bit to be desired and I'm having difficulty following some parts of it. Though I am extremely grateful for the person who made this tutorial, as I wouldn't even know where to begin without it.

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