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[LE] mesh disappears at certain viewing angles

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Here is YouTube video:



I have also attached a sample mesh where the door handles disappear.


It is happening with multiple meshes, all ones that I created so I am assuming the issue is in the NIF file. If someone can look at the NIF and let me know the issue, I would greatly appreciate it!






I am using 3D Studio Max 2018 with NIF Tools from:


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It's a bit hard to say from the short video but it looks like it's the wall that has an issue not your door. Though your door has all sorts of things look wrong with that nif

  • The bounding spheres for everything except WRIntCastleWallDoubleHighCor01:55 and WRIntCastleWallDoubleHighCor01:54.
  • The base center 0,0,0 point isn't centered. Maybe that's intentional, but I doubt it.
  • From the "front" view everything is invisible because the faces are facing backwards.
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