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Why is my weapon damage changing?


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So, i just noticed something kind of strange today, that may have been going on for longer, and I didn't notice, but whatever. The damage rating for my weapons, as displayed in the inventory screen, seem to be randomly changing. I'm not sure, but it seems like every weapon has 2 different possible damage ratings, and I can't find any pattern as to when they display either one. It also seems that there is always a difference of 17 points between the possible damages, for two handed weapons, and 8 for one handed. For instance, I've been using a skyforge steel two handed sword, and earlier, I equipped it, and it's damage said 67. Then about 10 minutes later, I'm looking through my inventory, and now it says 50. I found an orcish warhammer in a chest, and it said 70 damage while it was in the chest. I took it, then went to my inventory to equip it, and it's at 53. And it's not just vanilla weapons either. I have a Knight's Sword from the jaysus swords mod, and it bounces between 26 and 34 damage. I don't think I have any perks or anything that would effect that. But I can't be sure of that. This new character is a redguard, which I'm not familiar with, having played two other characters, which were both nords. Am I just stupid and missing something? or is this another bug of some kind?
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What first comes to mind would be maybe a timed effect like a racial ability or shrine blessing, but that still would not explain the item in the container thing you mentioned, it could also be a patch bug, this is the first time I have seen this issue.
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