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RTFTPS Wars!  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the below idea to become reality

    • Dayum! Come on modders, team up and make this happen!
    • That is quite possibly the most redicilous thing I ever heard!
    • You know, I wouldn't even consider a small donation to a team of modders for this!

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What is RTFTPS?


Real.Time.First/Third.Person.Strategy. Introducing war strategy to Skyrim and putting you the player in control of area's of the Skyrim world against powerful enemies. We have lots of Keeps and Forts in the world of Skyrim. But no way on owning/taking over them. Would be nice to have some new 'Lords' take some of them and possibly do battle/conquest style strategy gaming in Skyrim.



How should we coordinate these attacks?


We all know there are strategy maps in Skyrim, we have all seen them as part of the Civil War quest. Inside the Castle's and Camps the different keeps are marked with Red/Blue flags depending on whether the Empire or Stormcloacks have control of them. For this mod these maps could be used to instruct your 'General' to get the men ready to attack a keep, you engage the dialogue with the 'General' and then click the flag to represent the target. Within one in-game hour the troops start marching out towards that target. You have to choose how many troops to commit otherwise your keep will be defenceless. A flag on that map will determine who owns the Keep.


Why not just create a huge army then?!


You have to pay your troops, and 'General', to which that will automatically come out of your money account thing we already have in the Vanilla game. And you can request more troops through dialogue with the 'General'. Money would be hard to pay for all these troops without going insane on the exploration and looting adventures, meaning little to no time being available to the RTFTPS part so you can get little upgrades for your 'Fort/Keep'. A small market stall, or a Blacksmith, etc. could help bring in the cash. A Farm even. All at an initial cost ofcourse and if you lose the Keep and then reclaim it, you have to buy these stalls etc again.


There can even then be trade bonuses for the more keeps you have, so a x1.2 bonus for additional keep... this is because market stalls etc between your own and even Allied Keeps can trade but we won't see that. It just happens in the background.



What if I am out exploring?


Your keep(s) can be attacked and thus one of your 'Troop Couriers' will hunt you down to let you know so you can get there, if you are quick enough/close enough that is. Again, through the 'General' you can set up an alliance with another 'Lord' but with the AI Temperament settings available in Skyrim CK, not all of them would be willing to Ally with another 'Lord'... they could be Aggressive and only interested in Conquest, additionally, you could have Bandit holds not held by any 'Lord'. Others might be held by 'Forsword' who ofcourse will never 'Ally' but are not quite like an Aggressive 'Lord' in that you cannot communicate with them because they refuse.


Some Aggressive 'Lords' may accept a cease fire or peace depending on the circumstances... they might be stronger than you but they are under attack from several other 'Lords' and thus you plus the others can defeat them, but a single attack from that Aggressive 'Lord' will finish you. Hence it would be in both your benefit to declare a cease fire.... and the Forsworn would never allow a cease fire. See the difference now between Aggressive 'Lords' and Forsworn/Bandit Keeps?


Allies will come to you for help, and also come to you TO help! If your Ally is under attack, you can decide if you engage. Likewise they decide if they help you as well should you be away!


So what if I have every Keep?


A couple of things could happen, perhaps a 'General' might revolt after some time. Or the Bandit's might launch an offensive, as well as the Forsworn... they don't need Keeps to stay in the game. They are ever presents lurking in Skyrim as you very well know from the Vanilla game.



I can take over a Keep on my own at higher levels, this will ruin the Strategy


Not if the strength of guards is modified so that they are very strong, likewise with Forsworn and Bandits. In another mod, Wars in Skyrim, there were characters introduced that were insanely difficult to beat no matter how high a level you were. The same could be applied here meaning you as a lone warrior stand no chance of conquering a Keep, ofcourse other mods would need an optional patch to maintain compatibility which affect this. Such optional patches for mods have existed, no reason why it cannot be done for this, it would be easier than any modders doing this one producing a patch for everything else out there.



This is big, why would a modder do this?


I have no inclination a modder would do this, in fact one... one modder? Most likely not. We probably need several modders to work together on this, and so you will need to use the voting options at the top of this page to let them know what you think about this idea. Otherwise this idea will just sink like 95% of the others on here, which is a shame because some amazing idea's from others have been confined to history. :(

Edited by ProjectVRD
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I like this idea, but I think there should be a few changes to it...


There are five levels of locations to take over, each with their own bonuses and downfalls.


1. City

- Like Whiterun and Solitute. These give you the most money once you have them, and are the second easiest to defend, but you can't hire very many troops from them.


2. Town

- These give you quite a bit of money, and provide food for your armies. They are not easily defended, but they are easily attacked.


3. Keep

- These are the castles. You don't get much money for owning these, but they are extremely easy to defend, and you can hire far more troops to use in all your holdings with a castle.


4. Outpost

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I like this idea, but I think there should be a few changes to it...


There are five levels of locations to take over, each with their own bonuses and downfalls.


1. City

- Like Whiterun and Solitute. These give you the most money once you have them, and are the second easiest to defend, but you can't hire very many troops from them.


2. Town

- These give you quite a bit of money, and provide food for your armies. They are not easily defended, but they are easily attacked.


3. Keep

- These are the castles. You don't get much money for owning these, but they are extremely easy to defend, and you can hire far more troops to use in all your holdings with a castle.


4. Camps

- These give you no money, are the worst thing to try to defend, and don't net you a lot of soldiers, but you can easily strike out and ambush soldiers more quickly and quietly with a camp.


5. Hideouts

- These are fairly defensible. More defensible than towns, less so than cities. It's a cave or other location that could be taken over, it allows you to store troops in hiding for in case something happens to a nearby town of keep.


Camps are offensive locations, used strictly to attack, and serve no other purpose. Hideouts are defensive locations, allowing you to keep reserve units for when you're under attack.Keeps are offensive, allowing you to gather troops and strike out with speed, while not leaving a location vulnerable to enemy attack. Towns are an economic boon, supplying your food and money to keep your army supplied. Cities provide you with the funds necessary to keep a large campaign going.


The size of your army is determined by three things, what locations you hold (Hideouts and Camps give you 8 troops, Towns give you 10, Keeps give 12, and Cities give 14), how much food you have (10 units of any type of food = 1 troop), and how much money you have (Cost of the troops varies by quality).


So if you hold a keep, two towns, and a camp, you can have a maximum of 40 soldiers in your army, your keeps supply you with enough food to feed 6, your camp enough for 2, and your towns enough for 12 each, you can feed a max of 32 soldiers, and your money to buy your soldiers, which varies depending on where that location is.


You have several types of troops...


1. Knight/Huscarl

- Most expensive, but are the toughest types of warriors around. All heavy armor, one-handed weapon and shield or two handed sword, and tough as nails.


2. Man-at-Arms/Carl

- Second most expensive, faster then knights, able to take them on and win on occasion, they are professional soldiers. They wear heavy armor with light boots gloves and any type of helm, and wield one hand with shield only.


3. Berserker.

- Third most expensive unit. Wields ONLY two-handed weapons, and never wears armor. They hold a bonus to damage, and are able to demoralize the enemy.


4. Archers

- Second cheapest unit. Wields a bow, 48 arrows, and a one-handed weapon. Wears almost exclusively light armor, and are very useful.


5. Levy/Fyrd

- Cheapest unit. Wields whatever weapon they can find, including pickaxes and woodcutter's axes. Wears light armor sometimes. Peasant troops.



EDIT: Whups...double post. D:

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Aye, it would be up to the modders for the specifics I suppose. They can do what they want with the idea really, I would just love the extra gameplay from the Skyrim game :D
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