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Help with the Blocky Shadows on Faces


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Hello community.


Is there a Mod or anythig i could, in those .ini files, to fix that annoying blocky shadows on my character?

The Game looks beautiful with all those Mods, created by the community, but this shadow thing is really bad.


I also ask you to tell me, how i can change the moving shadows wich are coming from the daytime.


I´am German so please excuse me for my bad english.

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Is there a Mod or anythig i could, in those .ini files, to fix that annoying blocky shadows on my character?

The Game looks beautiful with all those Mods, created by the community, but this shadow thing is really bad.



I also hate that shadow on my PG face, yesterday by searching in the nexus i have find this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13457


It illuminates permanently the face of the PG with an infinite light spell, i suggest you to use the dark edition ;)

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