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looking for a syrim home mod


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so Ive been a big fan of whiterun manor,but i feel its time for a change. i tried sigil blad castle (sorry if thats not how its spelled,half asleep during this post),but it wouldnt allow custom or vanilla followers in. im looking for something that can house my own personal army without the hassle of building a town (if possible.if not then ok.) any suggestions are welcome as im increasing my follower mods and trying out the guild starter mod.

thanks in advance.


ps:leave a link and your own summary of the suggestions so i can take a peek. :cool:

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Dragonfall Castle is one that works really well. Don't know how custom you are requiring your home to be. How many followers, family, etc... but this place has an option to adopt up to 6 children with Hearthfire Multiple Adoption, and a significant amount of follower beds. Don't have an exact number on the follower beds but there are quite a lot. I know there are others out there too. The author of the mod has several on the Nexus. Every one that I have tried has been an awesome home. The smoothest running in my personal game setup is Dragonfall Castle. But maybe a different one for you.

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Dragonfall Castle is one that works really well. Don't know how custom you are requiring your home to be. How many followers, family, etc... but this place has an option to adopt up to 6 children with Hearthfire Multiple Adoption, and a significant amount of follower beds. Don't have an exact number on the follower beds but there are quite a lot. I know there are others out there too. The author of the mod has several on the Nexus. Every one that I have tried has been an awesome home. The smoothest running in my personal game setup is Dragonfall Castle. But maybe a different one for you.

ill be sure to look it up and see how it works.


Don't get Dragonfall Castle. It's to big to enjoy. Type in Manor in the search bar and look through. There are some modern and ancient options.

any particular ones come to mind that you enjoy?

Edited by palagriz
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This is the one I like and have used it forever. It is a small home but accommodates followers, has ample space to store all of your gear. It also has sorting features which I have not seen in any other mods. DantheGeek made the mod and he is long gone from the modding scene but the mod is still eminently functional. It's only flaw is that the smelter in the basement is blocked by a wall, so you need to open the console, click on the wall and disable it. Here is the link:


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How many followers are you trying to house???


For a medium home on the outskirts of Whiterun, I love Elysium Estate. The latest version I think has beds for 4-5 followers.


There are also the Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite, and the Underground Bathhouse. Both mods have options that let you invite your followers, the Underground Bathhouse also has an optional add-on in the installer for a child's wing with six beds. Both have crafting areas, NPCs, some outfit controls, and other features, including optional cheat features (like getting free ingots).


For larger castles, I like either Castle Valdmire, a little ways past the Western Watchtower, or Riverwood Keep by (by Skyrimlazz - he makes a bunch of castles, but Riverwood Keep is far and away my favorite). Both have at least a dozen follower beds, crafting, a few included NPCs, display areas, etc. Valdmire you get by a short quest, Riverwood Keep you buy.

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