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Hey there x), I've been wondering since there's magic, and I haven't successfully found any Teleknesis Magic yet, so is it possible to make?


What I was thinking about was more of a scripting edit, the option of holding items, just make the range a little further, and maybe heighten up the weight limit?


I've been watching Star Wars a lot lately, so I kinda wanted the possibility of holding people and throwing them, don't know if that's possible x) but is there a mod of this kind available or is there a Vanilla Magic that I haven't found yet?


regards, Pluto

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There is a telekinesis spell, however I have never used it so no idea if its limited.


Telekinesis in the game is more of a thievery tool for magic characters. It is most useful for grabbing distant objects. While you can throw objects, I do not believe it deals any damage, and only small objects can be grabbed. You cannot grab or throw NPCs.


I have investigated some of the various havok functions in papyrus and if it is even possible to pick up actors, then it would be extremely difficult to accomplish in a way that would perform smoothly, so I am not sure this is possible.


What would be cool though, and possible, would be to make it so that objects thrown with telekinesis cause a "Throw Voice" effect when they hit, much like the dragon shout, so you could throw objects to distract enemies. It may also be possible to do some damage to NPCs with thrown objects. Both would require that the modder have paid attention to two dimensional projectile physics in college, in order to create a projectile that would be invisible and closely mimic the flight path of the thrown object so as to place the effect where the object first hits something.

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