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How do you Manually change Characters FNIS in Mod Organizer?


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So I am having issues. One of my friends told me I should download Mod Organizer because its better then Nexus Mod Organizer. So I did and I am trying to figure out the longest how to Change a Female Character movement manually instead of me installing it. You see with Nexus Mod Manager I can go to \Female\Meshes\Actors\Character\Animations\Female\ Manually and change up the character movement HOW I WANT hkx!!!!! Now with Mod organizer I can't do it. Is their some type of way for me to do it Manually with ease like NMM?

Edited by RAHelios
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Just go to the same place where you would go with NMM (Skyrim\Data\Meshes\Actors\Character\Animations\Female). Sometimes MO is/was critical when the same files exist in a MO mod AND in Skyrim/Data. Just try it.

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