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Werewolf finishing move bug. Help please.


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Hello everybody, I have a problem with finishing moves when I am in werewolf form and I would be very happy if someone could help me with this. The problem is that the camera turns in first person view when I do a finishing move, so I can se the paralyzed victim facing me in first person camera and then he/she falls or gets thrown away depending of the finishing mode I am doing. Does anybody know how to fix this, please? Edited by FJMS1988
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I have the same problem. It started right after I became a werewolf, now everytime I do I finishing move it randomly picks a camera / point of view (sometimes, when slaying dragons, the camera will go far away looking from behind the dragon). I have tested diferent weapons, 1h, 2h, turned into a werewolf back and forth (I've read that it could solve the problem), even if I removed the werewolf curse the problem would remain. I have ovef 100 hours after that already and I'm using patch 1.9. Hope someone can fix it.


Just to be clear, before, if I were playing in the 1st person, most finishing moves would happen in the 1st person too (except those that only happen in 3rd person), and If I were playing in the 3rd person, most finishing moves would happen in the 3rd person (again, except those that only happen in the 1st person). After I became a werewolf, it's completly random, including bugged points of view from far away when killing dragons.

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