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Quest not working properly...


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Hi I killed potemia ??spelling?? and Have her skull but the priest you are supposed to give it to will not accept it. I've tried reentering the hall of the dead, walked all the way through Poteamia's lair and returned, slept and went back, even my quest log still says kill her. Yes I killed her and have her skull,.... nothing seems to work to move this quest along...
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Your welcome. This happened to me once and I cleared it by loading an earlier save and redoing the dungeon.


Does your journal show "Return to Falk Firebeard" or is it still "Retrieve Potema's Remains"?


You could try setstage MS06 150 in the console - but go back to the dungeon where you pick up the remains, drop them, pick them up and see if the journal updates and if not try the setstage command there at the dungeon. This worked for my brother.

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It said to retrieve her remains... I just used the remove item and clear stage code it gives in the wiki... I searched the wiki first guess i just didn't type the spelling in right lol.


Thanks again for your help!. also I like my dog better than most people.. it's a good quote.

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