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Removing Oblivion gate wreckage


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I've searched far and wide, on the official forums, on Gamespy forums, on these forums, and on the Construction Set wiki, and I cannot find the answer. I want to restore the landscape to the way it was before the gates opened. I know from studying the Construction Set how the gates are set up -- The gates and burnt trees and other decorations are always there but begin disabled, while the scorched ground is covered by strategically placed rocks, forts, or other such decorations. Everything is parented to a single item, and the gate elements are set to have their "disabled" state set to the opposite of the parent, so when a gate is opened, all it takes is the disabling of a single item to turn off all the "normal" decorations, and turn on all the gate decorations.


So, what I haven't found is a way to restore the parent object to its original state, making all the gate debris disabled and restoring the normal ones. I haven't had any luck with it in the console with disabling or re-enabling selected items, or the parent object itself. So for one gate, I ended up just moving all the gate items deep underground and duplicating all the normal items which get disabled by the gate opening. This restored the area to its pre-gate condition, but surely there's a way to just flip that "disabled" bit somewhere, isn't there?

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