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[LE] I'm urgently looking for help with advancing quest stages. Please help!

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What I need to do is spawn a boss enemy after dealing with several mobs. Essentially I need to advance the quest by a set amount on each subsequent kill, however I haven't been able to figure it out. The script I used earlier went as follows:

Event OnDeath(Actor killer)



For obvious reasons, this can cause sequencing errors if the player kills mobs out of one specific sequence

What I need is for this "Advquestondeath.SetStage(20)" to become "Advquestondeath.SetStage(current quest stage+10)".

I assume it's very simple to do for someone familiar with the engine, but without knowing the syntax I don't even know what errors I'm making when trying to script it.

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!

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I'm not sure if it's possible , but isn't it better to just create a counter , have it start with the amount of enemies you spawn , and have the counter go down with each kill?

and have the quest advance once the counter reaches 0?

would it not work best when the quest advances just once , when all enemies are killed?

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that's the thing , I've never used Papyrus in my life

I know some basic scripting , and from what I understand some scripts resemble the syntax of C# (which the programming language I know)

so I really have no idea how to go about doing something like this

I just thought this might be a better approach to this


I'll try doing some digging and see if I can find something informative for you to use


Edit : maybe this will help https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Variables_and_Properties

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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; example
int maxEnemies = 10
Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)
     ; This event will expect the player to be the killer.
     ; If you don\'t want this, just remove the player assignment and if statement block.
     akKiller = Game.GetPlayer()
     if (!akKiller)
     maxEnemies -= 1
    if maxEnemies == 0
        ; stage can be whatever you want

Sounds like Wasteland Assassin is talking about something like the above. Ah yes, the thing about changing the stage on *every* kill. I really can't think of a safe way of doing that there's also the concern I have about the count somehow going negative if the event is too slow to process the death, like if multiple actors die at the same time. '<= 0' might take care of that. Since I'm not able to test in game, I can't be sure.

Edited by Rasikko
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; example
int maxEnemies = 10
Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller)
     ; This event will expect the player to be the killer.
     ; If you don\'t want this, just remove the player assignment and if statement block.
     akKiller = Game.GetPlayer()
     if (!akKiller)
     maxEnemies -= 1
    if maxEnemies == 0
        ; stage can be whatever you want

Sounds like Wasteland Assassin is talking about something like the above.



yep , that sounds like what I would write , if I knew Papyrus syntax

thanks Rasikko :)

Edited by WastelandAssassin
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