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Suggestion: Mod page items' priority emphasis; Button colour


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I think the most emphasis on a mod page is put on wrong items.


The most emphasized ones currently are the buttons at the top ("Add Media", "Track", "Endorse", etc.).


Now the download buttons "NMM" and "Manual" are the most important items on the page (apart from the name of the mod). I can't fault the current design for that.


What I thing is backwards is that the other buttons are emphasized more than the tabs ("Description", "Files", etc.). You need to access the tabs regularly but only endorse or vote once and rarely add media.


Currently the buttons steal your focus and you try to find "Files" amongst them - because you instinctively think that the most important items should be amongst the most popping items on the page. Of course regular users will learn out of this habit, but emphasizing the tabs at least as much as the "secondary" buttons would make the page easier and quicker to use.




A second thing I thought should be changed is the colouring of the buttons ("Endorse", "Vote", etc.).


Currently the base/"off" colour is light blue and "activated/on" is white. I find this to be very unintitive, since to me the two colours communicate approximately equal "on"-ness.


One option would be to have the "off" colour be light grey and "on" green (or maybe blue), with the "on" being brighter/lighter.


Another would be to have "off" be two shades of grey (darker) and the "on" white or light grey with coloured (mostly blue or green) icon (brighter/lighter).

Edited by Silvar55
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