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Improving Midwestern PA


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i would like to ask someone familiar with 3d modding and texturing improve the awesome armor mod, foun here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=39762&navtag=file/images.php?id=39762&tab=3


IMHO its the best piece of armor for everyone, who interested in "classic" fallout content, including Fallout tactics. UNfortunately, the origanal mod seems to be abandoned by the author :(


But, currently the armor cotains MANY glitches/bugs, as following:

1. Massive errors in 1st person view (some texure cover the part of the screen, needs fixes and testing), i think meshes and textures require adaptation to work propely

2. Armor is non-compatable with standart pipboy 3000 (texture conflict, pipboy partialy covered by armor mesh)

3. Eyes shines like headlights, more realistic vertion is required

4. Armor looks like it is made of stone, not steel and should be retextured

5. Compatability patch for Project Nevada would be nice, but i can add all this stuff myself, im just passing when 3d modeling is required :(


Thanks in advance, i hope my request will find support in the ranks of fallout fans.

Edited by adiosamigos
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