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Skyrim SE "Auto-Move" Button not Working no Matter What...


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Hey, I could use some help, also sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I don't use this forum often unless having trouble and can't find a helpful answer. Anyways the "R" which is the default "Auto-Move" button is not working, I did check to see if I had set a different button for it when editing controls, but I did not. I attempted after to switch the button to another key, but no matter what I did it still would not move anything, this is a pain because that key I used a lot before what I am guessing was the new update, messed this up since I did not have this issue when I first played Skyrim SE. In short I came to the forums for some help since I did try looking but it seemed most of the solved problems had to do with the Original Skyrim, not SE, I did try what seemed to fix it for those people even though I assumed that it would not work anyways since it is Skyrim SE, not original Skyrim. So can someone please give me some help with this issue involving the quick move key? It will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Yeah I still need help, because that button is not working, I can't give stuff to my followers, can't loot all, and even worst can't drop anything, I should also mention clicking on the menu button does not work either. For example if I click drop item instead of tapping "R" it still won't do anything, same with looking at a follower's inventory and trying to give them something, it just does not work... It is honestly starting to piss me off...

Edited by KuraiNekoMT13
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Might do well to post this on the SSE forum.


I am playing on a desktop PC and the R key has always been to equip or un-equip my weapon by default.


What are you playing on?

Same here I am on PC, also sorry I could not seem to find the SSE forum all I saw was Skyrim. But yes I am on PC as well and I did not switch any keys for the action. But it is really not working, I am not sure why as it use to work fine and I can easily hit the "R" any other time so nothing is wrong with the key itself. I am not really sure what the problem is with it, but it make doing things on skyrim se a whole lot more annoying and time consuming, and I can't give my followers gear at all without using "R" so it is a pain.

Edited by KuraiNekoMT13
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To go to the SSE forum just go to the SSE mod page and click on forums at the top of the page.

Having said that I doubt if your problem is related to SSE, sounds like your keys got re-mapped somehow. If you are using SKSE64 and SKYUI you can just click on the item to be moved. Other than that I do not know what to tell you except to check your mods, if you have any, to see if one of them could have caused your problem.

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