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Fallout 4 Capital Wasteland Mod petition


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Your "friend" needs to do more research, and discover the actual facts of the case.


Bethesda did not "refuse" permission for the assets to be used, they do not have that right. They advised the team working on the Capital Wasteland mod that they could not give them permission to use the voice files because the audio files are only "licensed" by Bethesda for that game, and that if they did "port" the sound files over, they would be liable for copyright infringement and/or severe legal penalties.


You would have to ask / petition each and every voice actor from FO3 to be able to use their audio files.


So a completely pointless petition.

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You would have to ask / petition each and every voice actor from FO3 to be able to use their audio files.


It would be difficult to explain these actors and their agency representatives that payments could not be expected from free mods.

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They sold their voice work to bethesda for fallout 3, operative word being sold. And let's not forget about the "TTW Installer".Operating under the rules set forth by bethesda and the term "sold", royalties legally do not/cannot apply to the creating company unless lines are reordered to create new speech lines the actor did not perform. This only applies to us modders. I.E. They agreed to do the voice work fully knowing that, as long as their work stays within the fallout name and none of the lines are split and reordered to create new speech, freedom of change for modding purposes will take place with or without consent. It seems like bethesda doesn't remember that 1 contract cannot nullify the conditions of another unless those conditions are written into the new contract.

Edited by Dopey177
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They sold their voice work to bethesda for fallout 3, operative word being sold. And let's not forget about the "TTW Installer".Operating under the rules set forth by bethesda and the term "sold", royalties legally do not/cannot apply to the creating company unless lines are reordered to create new speech lines the actor did not perform. This only applies to us modders. I.E. They agreed to do the voice work fully knowing that, as long as their work stays within the fallout name and none of the lines are split and reordered to create new speech, freedom of change for modding purposes will take place with or without consent. It seems like bethesda doesn't remember that 1 contract cannot nullify the conditions of another unless those conditions are written into the new contract.

We don't know what kind of contract the voice actors signed with Bethesda, nor what stipulations were within said contract. It could easily be that the voice actors specifically stated that their work could only be used by Bethesda / Bethesda's licensees (mod authors) within Fallout 3 and nowhere else. In fact this is likely the case, since Bethesda has stated they cannot grant mod authors the right to use the Fallout 3 voice files within Fallout 4.

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The only way you could pull off such a project without the original voice actors would be to clone Kris Takahashi and his team of voice actors. Given that the Commonwealth Institute could not help in such cloning until the year 2270, the project has hit a dead end.

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Why not just contact the voice actors and ask? xD its a free project using the same voice lines from a game from 2008 with no new dialog being added. I don't rly see what the issue would be in asking or why the voice actors would expect compensation when they wouldn't even be doing brand new voice overs. Idk its probably just me but this whole thing seems way more complicated then it realistically should be.

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why not have them make gibberish voice lines of various types and use them in place of actual voice lines like many top down rpgs employ. Maybe make the Conversation Ui a bit more immersive to compensate, I was gonna say have it animated with characters appearing from left to right with sound effects but i don't think you can do that can you?


It would be a bit strange but it'd save some time

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