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Neil's Top Twelve underrated, under the radar, under the hood mods


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So everyone knows and loves Deadly Dragons, and Wars etc, but here's a collection of minor tweaks that can enhance your experience in ways you didn't know you needed!

In alphabetical order:


Auto Unequip Arrows. Shoot an arrow once, quiver stuck on your back forever. Now no more!


Bow legged jump fix. Stops you jumping like a paper frog.


Interesting NPC's. A regular updated WIP, but already essential, only downside is the realisation how poor vanilla dialogue is.


Localized Thieves Guild Jobs. Y'know the annoying thieves quests in random cities? Now not Random.


Named Souls in Gems. Does what it says on the tin, a deliciously evil little lore thing. I have a special one with Dorthe's soul.


No more key prompts. takes the letters off the screen. After 100 hours, I know to press E! Better than it sounds.


No NPC Greetings. Shuts up 98% of the random NPC jibberish they spout if you go within 20 foot of them.


Scale Quest Rewards. Do quests whenever you like, without the worry of receiving underpowered uniques.


Secret entrances. Secondary entrances for thieves, RP's, ease of access, and delaying certain scripted events.


Spells Will Give Off Light. Gives some visibility in dungeons, as you'd expect with fire in your hands.


Unique Region Names. When You leave a dungeon the Exit will say Dawnstar, or sea of ghosts etc, immersive and great for save game distinguishing.


Unread Books Glow. Another descriptive title. Choose between all books, or just skill books, Variable intensity.



Special Bonus: WTF SHOUT. You need this mod, shout yourself clear across the map, utterly brilliant. Massively customisable power, useful if you get stuck or reaching a ledge.




The Hot files are great, but It's the nitty gritty of the game being refashioned and improved by the nexus community that I'm really enamoured by, feel free to recommend more to me!

My thanks to the modders here who've spent time and skills making my experience all the better. :wub:

Edited by neiljwd
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Awesome list! I will have to check some of these out, I thought I already had all the "essential" mods, but I guess not....


Oh and other "essential" type mods (I'm on my phone and can't link to them) but the obvious ones SkyUI, Customized Favorites Menu, colored map markers, detailed map with roads........but those are the obvious ones LoL, the ones you listed are some I hadn't thought of or seen before! Thanks!

Edited by kingchris20
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Half of them had under 1000 D/L's when this topic was made, none had ever been a Hot File (to my knowledge, I'm not a Nexus bot, Unique Region names subsequently went hot) and every single one of them works under the hood, ie seemlessly within the game without you having to click/do/change anything in game. Edited by neiljwd
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  • 3 weeks later...

None in the list interest me except for Interesting NPC's and it is already a tracked file. The rest are personal mods for how you choose to play the game. And for the intro sentence i know of those mods but i dont like them. So with that said i would like to suggest 2 mods that are must haves, not playstyle in nature, and underrated.


Spouses Can Live Everywhere by Amgepo and Emma:



Everywhere as the 2 ladies said. Including in the middle of nowhere.


Extensible Follower Framework by Expired:



UFO is good and all for anyone that has vanilla NPC's but the uninstall is just bad modding. and for a mod of this type changing vanilla NPC's is a bad idea because it creates conflicts, if the NPC edits were in an optional file then I would suggest it for some.

Edited by jet4571
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