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File locations and how do I access them?


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This may seem like an odd question, but I made some potions with the complete alchemy & cooking overhaul.


Playing around with the alchemy table I kind of randomly mixed ingredients, I came up with some really cool potions and poisons. Damn I should have written them down!


My question is, where on my computer are the potions and ingredients I used stored (what file) and how do I open them?


I don't think I will be able to recreate them again by accident.


Can anyone help me with this?

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no such file exists

Thank you for the response.


So how does the system keep track of your potions you mix?


Does it just name them then disappears?


If that is the case then I better start writing them down when I make them.


One other question, are the potions random generated?

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So how does the system keep track of your potions you mix?

in your save file... no you cant just open it and look



Does it just name them then disappears?




One other question, are the potions random generated?

in base skyrim no... not sure about the mod but i doubt it

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There's a mod that has an in-game book with lists of all the vanilla potions that can be created. Other than that, each ingredient has 4 effects, and it's the cross-over of effects that makes more complex potions. So if an ingredient can fortify 2h and fire resistance, combine with another ingredient that does 2h and health fortification, and also something that also fortifies health and fire resistance, you'll have a '2h, flame resistance, health fortification potion'. Just look at your ingredient effects and you can work it out. :)

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