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Load the BSA?


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In my usual fashion, I am taking apart a mod to see how it works so I can learn more about scripting. I have found the object, and from there, found the name of the script. I cannot find how to open the script, I get an error message asking if it is a missing file.


Could it be stored in the BSA? if so, how do I load the BSA to be able to see the script?

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You can only open a script, if you have its .psc (uncompiled) file. If the BSA only contains a .pex (compiled) file, you can't open and edit it with the CK.


To look at and extract a BSA you can use the CK Archive Creator, which comes with the CK, or other tools, like FO3 Archive Utility.



Edit: The .psc files go to the data\scripts\source folder.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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