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Need help getting workshop "Defense" value

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Hello all!


I've been trying to find a way to get the defense value in Sanctuary without altering WorkshopScript.pex.


If I add in a function at the end of WorkshopScript and call the function with an activator button it works just fine but I want to get the value in a non-invasive way and not change any vanilla script source. Here is what worked:


Working function at end of WorkshopScript.pex:

int Function SafetyCheckup()

    WorkshopDataScript:WorkshopRatingKeyword[] rating_checkup = WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatings
    int current_safety = GetValue(rating_checkup[WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatingSafety].resourceValue) as int
    return current_safety


Working script on an activator button:

Scriptname ButtonTest04 extends ObjectReference

WorkshopScript property SanctuaryWorkshopREF auto const

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    int TheCheckup = SanctuaryWorkshopREF.SafetyCheckup()


And here is my attempt at a non-invasive approach on an activator button which always shows a 0 in the messagebox:

Scriptname ButtonTest03 extends ObjectReference

WorkshopScript property SanctuaryWorkshopREF auto const

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

    WorkshopDataScript:WorkshopRatingKeyword[] rating_checkup = SanctuaryWorkshopREF.WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatings
    int current_safety = GetValue(rating_checkup[SanctuaryWorkshopREF.WorkshopParent.WorkshopRatingSafety].resourceValue) as int



I've tried a bunch of variations of the above and always double check to make sure my properties are initiated.


I even made this "crazy-person-attaching-red-yarn-to-newspapers-on-the-wall" level drawing to try to understand wtf is going on in the vanilla code but I don't know how useful or accurate it is:



I came up pretty dry on Google and the wiki. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you guys and girls!


how I feel:


Edited by shatsnazzle
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Ratings are exposed as properties or variables on the scripts that you can query:

Import WorkshopScript
WorkshopParentScript Property pWorkshopParentScript Auto Const Mandatory ; WorkshopParent Quest

WorkshopScript WorkshopREF = pWorkshopParentScript.Workshops[iTheIndexIWant]
Int iTheValueIWant = WorkshopREF.GetValue(pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatings[pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatingSafety].resourceValue) as Int

Replace WorkshopRatingSafety with any of the WorkshopActorValues from line 104 of the WorkshopParentScript.


EDIT: for those who feel the need to point this stuff out, no this wont run as is. I don't hand out ready made code any more, rather the primers and pointers.

Edited by SKK50
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Ratings are exposed as properties or variables on the scripts that you can query:

Import WorkshopScript
WorkshopParentScript Property pWorkshopParentScript Auto Const Mandatory ; WorkshopParent Quest

WorkshopScript WorkshopREF = pWorkshopParentScript.Workshops[iTheIndexIWant]
Int ValueIWant = WorkshopREF.GetValue(pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatings[pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatingSafety].resourceValue) as Int

Replace WorkshopRatingSafety with any of the WorkshopActorValues from line 104 of the WorkshopParentScript.


EDIT: for those who feel the need to point this stuff out, no this wont run as is. I don't hand out ready made code any more, rather the primers and pointers.


wow Thank you so much SKK50! Again! That's the second time you've answered my scripting question!! :) https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6452476-quick-question-on-properties-and-dependency/


I attached it to an activator button and it works perfectly!

Is the index on the workshops the same for all savegames/players or is everyone's different? I used a while loop to find the index on sanctuary

Scriptname ButtonTest03 extends ObjectReference

Import WorkshopScript
WorkshopParentScript Property pWorkshopParentScript Auto Const Mandatory ; WorkshopParent Quest

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

int indexiwant = 0
while indexiwant<28
    WorkshopScript WorkshopREF = pWorkshopParentScript.Workshops[indexiwant]
    Int ValueIWant = WorkshopREF.GetValue(pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatings[pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatingSafety].resourceValue) as Int

        debug.messagebox(ValueIWant + " " +indexiwant)
    indexiwant = indexiwant + 1

and then distilled it down to:

Scriptname ButtonTest03 extends ObjectReference

Import WorkshopScript
WorkshopParentScript Property pWorkshopParentScript Auto Const Mandatory ; WorkshopParent Quest

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

    WorkshopScript WorkshopREF = pWorkshopParentScript.Workshops[21]
    Int ValueIWant = WorkshopREF.GetValue(pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatings[pWorkshopParentScript.WorkshopRatingSafety].resourceValue) as Int


Lol I am so excited thanks again!!

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Happy to help. Can't describe the time and brain pain involved in figuring out that nested mess, its a suppressed memory now.


For the base game settlement workshops, they always seem to index the the same order across new games but as I haven't found any relevant script it may not be consistent so always match to a hard REF property to be sure. This is the usual base game order I see at each load across *A LOT* of new game starts:

WorkshopAttacks 00 [workshopscript < (0009B1DB)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 101
WorkshopAttacks 01 [workshopscript < (0009B19D)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 02 [workshopscript < (001654BD)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 03 [workshopscript < (0016D28E)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 04 [workshopscript < (00161F4B)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 05 [workshopscript < (0009B197)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 06 [workshopscript < (00066EB6)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 07 [workshopscript < (00019956)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 08 [workshopscript < (001E81EA)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 09 [workshopscript < (0009B1BE)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 10 [workshopscript < (001654D5)>] PlayerOwned True  Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 11 [workshopscript < (00168945)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 100
WorkshopAttacks 12 [workshopscript < (00135A90)>] PlayerOwned True  Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 13 [workshopscript < (0009B1A5)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 14 [workshopscript < (0009B1AC)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 15 [workshopscript < (001654B8)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 16 [workshopscript < (0001D0E2)>] PlayerOwned True  Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 17 [workshopscript < (001F0711)>] PlayerOwned True  Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 6
WorkshopAttacks 18 [workshopscript < (00164321)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 19 [workshopscript < (0009B1F1)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 9
WorkshopAttacks 20 [workshopscript < (0006F5C5)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 21 [workshopscript < (000250FE)>] PlayerOwned True  Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 22 [workshopscript < (0009B1D1)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 100
WorkshopAttacks 23 [workshopscript < (000B3506)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 24 [workshopscript < (00054BAE)>] PlayerOwned True  Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 25 [workshopscript < (001654CF)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 26 [workshopscript < (00024A26)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 20
WorkshopAttacks 27 [workshopscript < (000E0505)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119
WorkshopAttacks 28 [workshopscript < (0009B18F)>] PlayerOwned False Vassal False Attacks True DaysSinceLast 119

If your interested workshop attack status can be set remotely with WorkshopREF.AllowAttacks = False

Edited by SKK50
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Happy to help. Can't describe the time and brain pain involved in figuring out that nested mess, its a suppressed memory now.


Lol I believe it!


For the base game settlement workshops, they always seem to index the the same order across new games but as I haven't found any relevant script it may not be consistent so always match to a hard REF property to be sure.

. . .

If your interested workshop attack status can be set remotely with WorkshopREF.AllowAttacks = False

Thank you again and again SKK50, and happy modding! :)

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