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Combat Voice Replacer Project


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Hello, I'm trying to put together a bunch of different alternate english combat voices for different kinds of characters. I haven't tried to mod anything since Morrowind and these fuz files are a bit of a pain so I have some questions and need help troubleshooting. Using Unfuzzer I'm extracting them and putting them back together no problem. Here's where I'm needing some answers:


1 - I replaced the heavy attacks with the voices I wanted. I'm guessing you can't assign a specific fuz to a specific action (ex. "DIE!" set to side step heavy attack) - its all random?


2 - Is there a list somewhere that tells what fuz files are for what actions? There's about 20 or 30 different groans- I can't tell if the character is getting hit with a sword, being killed, or drinking something hurting her stats... Also I tried grouping together what sounded like all the heavy attack sounds to replace them and a couple are a no show in game- now I'm not sure what those no show sounds are supposed to go to...


3 - By ear I just changed all the standard attack grunts to the sounds I wanted. Running into a problem: If my character is stationary the new sounds work great. But if she's moving in a direction, sounds are randomly doubling up and overlapping, two at a time. Any ideas? Also I substituted about 15 attack sounds and it seems only 5 or 6 different ones are being used... not sure where all these other sounds are going :(


Any advice you can give on how to figure this all out would be great, thanks guys!

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In the CK, the combat grunts are gathered under "combat dialogue" in quests.


I think you will have to go through every quest (mainly the dialogues quests, you'll notice them by the large amount of users), click on "combat dialogue" and see if there's something.


The timing a grunt is played is determined by conditions.

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