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Weapon normal map problem


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There's a number of problems with this normal map at the moment, most of which I think I know how to fix (the weapon isn't finished yet anyway). But there are two things that I don't know what to do about, both of them involving the normal detail being shown in reverse. They look like they might be related, but it's hard to tell.


Image showing problem here: http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/9360/oblivnormprob.jpg


As shown in the picture on the left, there are spots where the normal map suddenly appears to reverse direction, apparently in conjunction with an edge on the geometry.

Also visible in both screenshots, and indicated in the second, the little circular divot things are in reverse of what they are supposed to be. They are correctly oriented on the left side, incorrectly oriented on the right.


The relevant portion of the normal map is on the right, just for reference's sake. The blade is using "quadruple" symmetry, as in the blade is mirrored both on each flat side of the blade, with the symmetry there being the cutting edge; as well as "left to right" along the center of the flat of the blade.


Can someone clue me in as to what I need to do to fix this? I've done this sort of symmetry in other game engines (e.g. Unreal Engine 3) and not had a problem; I also know that Oblivion has items in the game that use this sort of technique (the steel shortsword, for example), and the method seems to work just fine there; why wouldn't it work here?

Edited by LaithArkham
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