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Missing saddle and mane after installing Horse Armor


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I installed MystikHybrids Horse Armor mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13348) at some point and then uninstalled it, preferring to use a saddle mod instead. Now I have no saddles or manes showing in-game. Does anyone know how I can fix this without reinstalling everything? I assume there is a missing mesh somewhere. If it helps, I also use Better Horses.


Any help would be appreciated as this is driving me mad!

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same problem :/ but my horses have manes and the only horse with a saddle is Shadowmere. My boyfriend said that the files that made the armor might have replaced the saddles...so you removed the saddle files when you deactivated the horse armor. But don't take his word for it, he could be wrong.


Try contacting the author of the mod. He/she might be able to make a downloadable 'mod' with the default saddle files within it for people with this problem? If they do, Id love it if you could PM me with a link :)


Good luck!

Edited by KadajKhajiit
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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone figured this out yet? I am having the same problem, though it is just the saddle that is missing for me. I checked to see if there were some rogue textures or meshes in my data folder that were taking effect, but there were not. I had convenient horses installed, but unintalled it and had a clean save after stopping the ch quest. Anyone have any ideas as to why the saddles are missing? I don't have any other horse mods installed.



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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone figured this out yet? I am having the same problem, though it is just the saddle that is missing for me. I checked to see if there were some rogue textures or meshes in my data folder that were taking effect, but there were not. I had convenient horses installed, but unintalled it and had a clean save after stopping the ch quest. Anyone have any ideas as to why the saddles are missing? I don't have any other horse mods installed.





I managed to get my saddles back, i don't know if it will work for you to though.




I installed this mod and the saddles came back, no other mod works.

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  • 5 months later...


Has anyone figured this out yet? I am having the same problem, though it is just the saddle that is missing for me. I checked to see if there were some rogue textures or meshes in my data folder that were taking effect, but there were not. I had convenient horses installed, but unintalled it and had a clean save after stopping the ch quest. Anyone have any ideas as to why the saddles are missing? I don't have any other horse mods installed.




I managed to get my saddles back, i don't know if it will work for you to though.




I installed this mod and the saddles came back, no other mod works.

Witch mod is it? Because the link does not work :(.

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