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Oblivion Skeleton and Animations


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Animations are specific to types the different skeletons right? so why don't people make animations specific to the player? like how sheogorath has his own special animations
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check out this mod


Replaces the original Walkforward animation for female DarkSeducers, GoldenSaints and(optionally) Player(3rd-person view only) with sexy one. Player is supposed to be a female, too.


I've contacted the author but he hasn't replied back yet


Same with this one




This add a new forward walk only for player in third person


It's a very beta and not perfect(I'm studying on it)


Make a backup of your savegame


I've tried to talk to him too but...


so anyways, I looked at their esps, and they changed the walk under NPC, which is recognized by putting their .kf file in specialidle (or specidle?) folder under_male folder.

the thing i don';t get tho is that how they made it to just do walking cus the animation groups are fixed (can't be changed) and that they are limited (for example, walking with one hand, no weapons, two hand weapons are both called "forward" and for somereason, TES CS somehow decides what the animations are for instead of leting you choose. (put a .kd in that folder and it'll be something like backward, forward or something)

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1. There are 3 types of NPC skeleion currently in-game(as far as I know): skeleton.nif, skeletonbeast.nif and skeletonsesheogorath.nif.

2. There are 3 locations were .kf files are stored: \_male, \specialanims, \idleanims. Again, as far as I understand, \_male -> basic anims, \specialanims -> alter basic anims and \idleanims -> SpecialIdle anims.

3. (This is answer to your question billypnats) If you are going to replace some basic animation with a custom one and do it for specific NPC only, you should put .kf into \specialanims and then check it in CS\NPC\Animations.


The quesion I would like to find out an answer is: could this "checking" be replaced by a script or not? This could give a possibility to set conditions under which the custom animation is played. This question I would adress a good scripter.


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From what I saw in CS, I think, none of the mods used anyscripts, which is what I'm confused about, they somehow set animgroups in the NPC editor, But CS wont let be do that. =/


perhaps a future version of OBSE could do that

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  • 3 weeks later...
1. There are 3 types of NPC skeleion currently in-game(as far as I know): skeleton.nif, skeletonbeast.nif and skeletonsesheogorath.nif.


To be correct, there is one more skeleton.nif. But it doesn't affect NPC's, just Player only. It's located in \_1stperson folder and differs(slightly) skeleton.nif located in \_male.

P.S. I still think that .kf's of the same group have some information inside them in order the engine could manage them. But it appeared that just naming custom .kf's as original ones works perfectly;)

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interesting. as for how to make the animations, there is no problem if you have 3dsmax and the will to do some acting with pingpong balls attached to your clothes (motion capture) also you can find a lot of mocap files out on the wild...err... internet


problem for now is how to 1 convert the files to kf :S and 2 make the game recognize this custom animation, as for example i've been fiddling with making combos with the sword (much like devil may cry ones) i have made some very nifty animations, but... again, making it work right with oblivion is... well, at least difficult


now the question: clothes: they are attached to the ik bones, right? so that's why we can't animate them separately, so let's say we finally get to apply a custom skeleton to the game, we could (theoretically) make some cloth simulation...errr.... simulation by attaching them to some custom bones and animating them via script accordingly, much what kendo does with this mature mod

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