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Tracking Progress


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Is there a way to see what we have completed and what's left in the game?


I'm nearing a point where I finished every quests I "stumbled upon" while walking around and talking to every NPC I saw. I know there are probably still tons of quests I ain't started yet.

The journal is helpful but not that much. Miscellaneous completed quests aren't there and some quest (like the thief guild) are repeatable. I can some wiki guide "All Quests" page and just strike those I have completed in my journal, but it's not perfect. It also don't track multiple other things.

I know all quests have and ID and the engine know which one are completed or in which stage the player is, so I think it would be very easy to create a mod for that.


I would like to know:

-List of "real" quests not started

-List of "miscellaneous" quests not started

-List of places I'm a thane

-List of dragon shouts found or not

-List of locations not discovered

-List of ... other things I don't think about that can be done/collected, like the Daedric artifacts, the Dragon Priests Masks, anything else?


I'm really sad that the game itself don't allow you to have a "percentage completed" tracking or something like that. Achievements can help, but again it's not perfect. I'm talking about everything except repeatable quests (Kill bandit leader, Kill dragon, Talk to companion leaders for work, Thieve Guild repeatable missions, etc).


I specially want to know if there's a way to list the completed Misc objectives (quest IDs in console or something) or did they just disappeared with no traces?

Edited by Dunge
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