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But who is essential??? oO


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Remember the Crown Symbol from Oblivion, that marked an essential Person? Well in Skyrim we don't have them. So my Request - guess what comes now- yes. I ask for that Symbol again, so that we always know, which person we can treat all the time and use them as training dummys without killing them by clicking one time to much on the attack buttom. :tongue:

Possible, or not lorefriendly again?

Comments are always welcome and take a look at the following Requests and please tell me there, what you think of them too. :biggrin:


Oblivion Request:



Skyrim Request:



OH WAIT!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Before I forget it again, there is a Mod that adds items from DA2 into DAO. My Question is, can this be done for Oblivion too? :ohdear:

I mean, adding Skyrim Clothes, Armours and Weapons to Oblivion?


So, I guess that is enough from me for now. :biggrin: Until next time. :tongue:

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The answer to the second question is no. Bethesda will slap you with legal action if you put Skyrim items into Oblivion. You have completely remake them, but you can't just put them into Oblivion. For a few reasons:


1. The skeletons are different, so you would have to completely re-rig the models.

2. You would have to remodel it anyway because of the body sliders and the mody shaped that Skyrim has over Oblivion.

3. It's illegal to port content, and Bethesda will slap you with a Cease and Desist if you even try. Bioware doesn't care as much, so long as you're porting their content to their games, and not to games from other devs.

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