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Looking for ideas for funny dialogues (follower)


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Hello everyone!

I'm making a mod, quite large. Three fully voiced followers included.

I'm not native english speaker, so I need your helping hand


Do you have any ideas for funny dialogues?


The most important are:

- Idle misc dialogues (played when actor is idle)

- Hello misc dialogues (when actor approaches npc)

- Goodbye misc dialogues (when actor exits dialogue)

- Combat dialogues (Ha! Roar! Die! e.g.)


About characters, there are three:

- One tall and dumb, soft-hearted and muscled Nord

- One normal guy, bard, brother of the previous one, Nord

- One cold-blooded serial killer, Khajiit. Psycho who loves killing


It doesn't have to be long verses, even few very short would be nice!


Down below you have some dialogue events from CK (misc and combat)


Thanks and may Talos guide you!


Misc Dialogue Subtypes

Misc Dialogue has the following event subtypes:

  • CombatGrunt: Randomly said during combat?
  • Goodbye: Said when player exits dialogue with the actor.
  • Hello: Said by actors when the player first approaches them, or when the player interacts with them, when not prevented by a Blocking Branch.
  • Idle: Randomly played when the actor is idle.
  • PursueIdleTopic: Randomly said by guards pursuing a criminal?
  • TimeToGo: Said when player is trespassing.
Comments on Events
  • ActorCollidewithActor: Said when the player bumps into the actor.
  • DestroyObject: Not used.
  • KnockOverObject: Said when the player collides with a physics object.
  • LockedObject: Said when the player looks at a locked object and it would be a crime to open it.
  • NoticeCorpse: Said when the actor notices a corpse.
  • ObserveCombat: Said when the actor sees combat and is not taking part in it.
  • PickpocketTopic: Said when the player seems to be trying to pickpocket.
  • PlayerIronSights: Said when the player aims at someone with a drawn bow. Not used?
  • PlayerShout: Said when the player uses a shout nearby.
  • ShootBow: Said when the player shoots with a bow outside combat.
  • StandonFurniture: Not used.
  • SwingMeleeWeapon: Said when the player swings a melee weapon outside combat.
  • ZKeyObject: Said when the player is holding an object with physics.
Player Specific
  • EnterSprintBreath: Played when the player is sprinting.
  • EnterBowZoomBreath: Played when the player zooms with a bow.
  • ExitBowZoomBreath: Played when the player exits bow zoom.
  • Jump: Not used?
  • LeaveWaterBreath: Played when the player exits water.
  • OutofBreath: Played when the player is low on stamina after sprinting.
  • PlayerCastProjectileSpell: Not used?
  • PlayerCastSelfSpell: Not used?


Combat Related
  • AcceptYield: Said when the actor accepts the player's yield.
  • Attack: Said when the actor attacks.
  • Bash: Said when the actor bashes with a shield.
  • BleedOut: Said during the bleedout state.
  • Death: Said on death.
  • Flee: Said when the actor flees from combat.
  • Hit: Said when the actor is damaged.
  • PowerAttack: Said when the actor power attacks with a melee weapon.
  • Taunt: Randomly said during combat.
Crime Related
  • Assault: Said when player is seen commiting assault.
  • Murder: Said when player is seen commiting murder.
  • PickpocketCombat: Said when player is caught pickpocketing.
  • Trespass: Said when player is spotted trespassing.
  • Steal: Said when player is caught stealing.
  • WerewolfTransformCrime: Said when player transforms into a werewolf.
NoCare Crime

These are said when the actor does not care that the player is commiting a crime.

  • AssaultNC
  • MurderNC
  • PickpocketNC
  • StealFromNC
  • TrespassAgainstNC


Edited by Hildigard
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well , it would help to get a better overview of the characters you are going for

as an example , the bard follower

is it going to be a successful bard? or someone with no real musical flare? (like the orc bard in the vanilla game)

is he going to be a flatterer or maybe making a mockery of you? (think of the bard with Sir Robin in Monty Python's Quest For The Holy Grail , as an example)


if you can really characterize the personalities you want these followers to have , it will greatly help us help you with this

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