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How do I activate a trigger box on a specific quest step?


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I'm trying to spawn a boss enemy after dealing with several smaller mobs. After some help here on the forums I managed to build a script that advances the objective by 10 on each kill, however I'm not sure what script to use in order to activate a trigger box. Is there an existing script I could plug in that let's me do that or do I need to write one myself? If the latter is true I would very much appreciate any help with writing it, I'm less than fluent in papyrus syntax.


This is the script I'm using for advancing the objective, although I haven't been able to test if it's working properly because I don't know how to start the trigger on a specific step:
int myInt
Event OnDeath(Actor killler)
myInt = Advquestondeath.getstage() + 10
I should also mention, I have the trigger box setup to spawn the boss enemy when the player enters, that part is working. What I'm wondering is how to activate it on a specific event
Edit: I realized I posted it in the wrong thread, reposted the question to mod troubleshooting, not sure how to delete this thread: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6499621-how-do-i-activate-a-trigger-box-on-a-specific-quest-step/
Edited by badassmthfck
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the way i do it is drag an x marker into the scene. double click the trigger box and make the x marker a parent.

set the x marker as "disabled" then name it and make an "objectreference" in the scripts drop down properties list in the quest.


The trigger box will be disabled at start of game until you "enable" it. which you do after the last known stage.

in the stages type:




for instance if the trigger is just to spawn the enemy boss, make a new setstage player trigger that sets the stage to trigger the trigger :P

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