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Changing armor anywhere


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  • 2 weeks later...
Armor locker/selection menu CANNOT BE opened/summoned in ME3.

Unlike in ME2 where armor locker can be opened by console command:

Bindings=( Name="Home", Command="OnlyLoadLevel BioD_Nor_000Cabin |Onlyloadlevel BioD_Nor_002CabinKelly | OnTap 2.0 showmenu | OnTap 3.0 OpenGUI Personalization" )

// Armor selection menu is appears as overlay over game menu (menu needs to be opened to put game on pause and interact with armor selection screen) //;

Only working option is to change armor/casual outfit - combat/exploration state:

======== Combat/exploration mode ========


( Name=\"PageUp\", Command=\"set SFXPawn_Player bCombatPawn true | QuickSave | QuickLoad\" )

( Name=\"PageDown\", Command=\"set SFXPawn_Player bCombatPawn false | QuickSave | QuickLoad\" )

- This commands load combat and exploration modes - you can holster weapon down and run through combat area as in non-combat areas;

// Lines with fast saving and loading are necessary, because at the moment of the game in memory there is no animation for transition between the modes: Explorer and Battle, which will lead to the drop of the client //;

// ! If you make a save in the middle of shooting enemies, then when you load that save - enemies from current spawn won't be there; Slaughter all enemies and only then switch to exploration mode //;

For modders and users who want to research this option:

Opening armor locker in ME3 require to load precise Normandy level - similar to me2 level: something like BioD_Nor_000Cabin

level list and misc commands:

note: command at biop_nor loads only Normandy main deck level;

so, there it has to be level that loads armor selection menu;

Edited by ArJed
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