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How to change the sound used by a specific weapon mod?

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Hey there,


i want to understand how, for example, the hunting rifle in vanilla game, changes its firing sounds when changing the caliber. I know in f..... FO4

its all about Keywords, but...I cant figure it out. How to make, lets say the .50 Cal Mod use a different sound than the standard .308 ammo when using the same base weapon?

I dont know how to explain it right, as english is not my native language and i cant find any answers on google...

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In the CK, audio is indexed into Sound Descriptors, then mapped into Sound Keyword Mappings, then associated with weapons and mods using Sound Keywords added to the main weapon entries. In the case of weapon mods that change gunshot sounds, this change is done by using the function pkKeyword to call for a different mapping. When a pkKeyword for sound mapping is added in a weapon mod, it overrides the sound mapping from the base weapon.

The mod that changes to the .50 cal sound mapping for hunting rifle is called


Within this mod entry you'll find the pkkeyword


and from there, you should be able to figure out.

Edited for clarity.

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