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Question: Modifying a Mod


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Hello mod community,


I would like to know how to create a mod that alters an existing mod. I know how to open the existing mod and alter it with the Creation Kit, but the author creates frequent updates but refuses to address the issue. More specifically, it is a collection of non-replacement armors with randomly assigned armor values. I would like to alter the armor values to be consistent with the vanilla armors.


I did try to create a new mod by enabling Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, and the armor mod I want to modify and then save the changes to a new mod. But now when I reopen everything (and set my mod to active) it creates duplicates of everything I modified. This seems to be a major problem. I'm not sure what to modify when I start seeing several duplicates.


For now, i have been adjusting the values in the original mod. So, everytime there is a new patch (which often supplies new armors), I have to go through and readjust everything. I'd rather just modify a single mod, that alters the armor values, and only have to correct newly added armors rather than every single armor type.


I appreciate your time. Thank you.

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While you are editing your mod, you need to make it depend on the other.

You can do this by false-flagging the other authors mod as a Master, but leaving the extension as .esp.


More info here.

You will need to false flag the other esp every time you edit your mod. When done editing you should undo the flag again to play.


I must be missing a detail. I still see a ton of duplicates in-game in the CK when I re-open the mod. To be more specific, I am trying to edit the Remodeled Armors mod to adjust the armor values to be more consistent. So let me walk thru the steps.


Initial Creation

1. Open CK and enable Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, and Remodeled Armors ESP

2. Make changes to armor values

3. Save as Remodeled Armors - fixes.esp


Now, when I want to modify the 'Remodeled Armors - fixes.esp' it is my understanding to:

Using TesvSnip, I open 'Remodeled Armors.esp' and flag it as an ESM. I save it as the same file with esp extension. I then loadup CK and enable Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Remodeled Armors.esp, and I also enable my mod 'Remodeled Armors - fixes.esp' as active mod. After a very long time it finally loads evreything and shows a bunchof "DUPLICATES".


Now, had it worked, I would then unflag the 'Remodeled Armors.esp' as an ESM and save prior to playing. But this did not seem to work. I'm missing something simple...a simple step I hope.


*EDIT* And while I am at it, my mod doesn't seem to work. If I modify the original ESP it is fine and works in-game. But when I try to modify an existing mod, the changes don't occur in-game. For example, I tried to make the 'Ebony Mail - Remodeled' into light armor. In-game, it still appears as heavy. I must be missing a few details is all. I have skills to modify the original mod, just not modify an existing one. I tried moving my mod (the 'Remodeled Armor fixes.esp') both above and below the original mod to see if that makes a difference, but it did not.

Edited by bigdawg78
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