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SKYRIM Assassin's Guild Armor Set Lore Friendly


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hi everyone!


just had an interview for an internship. took a 4 hour train trip one way! and another 4 return and that is with ICE (Inter City Express) and i come up with this:


this is my suggestion for a lore friendly assassins armor for skyrim in acII style. i try to design it as close as possible to what is available in vanilla game.


base color is white with a bit yellowish tint to the fur. and dark reddish color for the leather parts. metal parts are white/greyish. this is very suitable for snowy region.


base armor is scaled armor. the scale vest is changed with white vest like the one on skyrim poster. the circle metal plate is changed to a diamond plate with A logo and offset to the right chest. on the left chest the belt holds 3 throwknives. the plate on the waist will have A logo. shoulder pad is switched from left to right.


fur cloack (optional, need the cloack mod) but like the one ezio is wearing which has only one side but this time made of bear fur!


hood is like nightingale but white and pointy like the hawk beak.


leather gloves+scaled brazer with a bit fur. it has metal plate for blocking mellee attacks.

hidden blade is a bit hard. i dont know, maybe a bit dwemer tech involved. make it a bit golden to show it has dwemer influence. but maybe just for visual show. i dont know if it is even possible to use for combat in game.


bows and arrows as usual, swords on the right, maybe curved sword... CURVED SWORD!! ahh i draw it straight :P


boots is like nightingale+scaled boots style with fur in the end+ metal plate with A logo.


necklace also with A logo!


I am not familiar with modding but i like to draw, you can also ask me to draw the sketch if you have the idea. anyone interested to give this a try is very much welcomed to do so. I would like to see this in game. suggestions or comments are welcomed


more! maybe a custom assassination quests! is it too much to ask? hehe


so this is it! Assassins Creed if it is set in Skyrim. A Dovahkiin, an assassin.




more SKYRIM gallery on my deviantart

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Look up "masters of death" should be what you are looking for.


close enough! :) and it is a very beautiful work. really, very beautiful.


if compared to mine, mine is like the novice assassin set and his is like the master level assassin set. I do think mine feels a bit more skyrimish and his a bit more ACish. thank you for pointing out that mod Korodic.


i am still available though if anyone needs a sketch. hehe is it ok to put advertisement like this? i am an old member (since oblivion) but still noob in posting forums :P

Edited by lookatyourmuscles
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