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Portable Place able Homes


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I was hoping for a list of portable place able homes for Skyrim SE. By this I mean an item you can place anywhere in the world and it forms a home you can enter. I recall there being a home like this in the old skyrim like maybe it was a tower but I think it was dwemer style. I rather not have it dwemer style to avoid the steampunkish look as my home style though. There was also a carriage but that was never ported over it seems. Anyway to help me in my search I thought I would ask here to see if anyone knew of any.


Edit: So I managed to find the mod I was using as an example earlier and it was called FC Kagrenaces Instant Fortress sse www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6712/?tab=images I don't know how to make the name the link so you can just click it instead of having a long link. XD


Edit: If the ones you know are dwemer style go ahead and link them anyway.

Edited by HellKitten133
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