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Project Nevada Breaching charges


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As most of us who use Project Nevada know, PN allows us to blow the locks off of doors with explosives. One thing that never made sense to me was that there were not explosives made just to blow open doors. Now, I am not sure what, specifically, Project Nevada uses to determine the different 'level' of locks and what can blow them open. For instance, I believe C4 is sufficient to blow open an 'Average' lock, but won't crack a Very Hard lock, even if you stack four of them against the door. A frag grenade, I believe, will open a very easy door, but won't hurt an Average lock. I'm not sure what PN uses to determine this - damage done (which I believe is not the case, as 4 bricks of C4 should take down a door with their combined damage). I did, at one time messing around with the GECK come across five 'tiers' of explosives that Project Nevada classifies, but I'm not sure what for.


My idea would be a set of explosives for each level of lock - i.e., if you have a 'small breaching charge', or whatever it is called, would open an easy lock, and a 'heavy breaching charge' would open a very hard lock. Recipes to make each set of them would be nice, unless they are added to loot lists, but I think recipes would be easier. For it's pip-boy icon, you could just use the sensor module icon, and for its in-game appearance, I thought of using a sensor module with a keypad on the side (if anyone remembers the keypad on Theos ammo box in Fallout 3, when you're rescuing Reilly's Rangers).

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As most of us who use Project Nevada know, PN allows us to blow the locks off of doors with explosives. One thing that never made sense to me was that there were not explosives made just to blow open doors. Now, I am not sure what, specifically, Project Nevada uses to determine the different 'level' of locks and what can blow them open. For instance, I believe C4 is sufficient to blow open an 'Average' lock, but won't crack a Very Hard lock, even if you stack four of them against the door. A frag grenade, I believe, will open a very easy door, but won't hurt an Average lock. I'm not sure what PN uses to determine this - damage done (which I believe is not the case, as 4 bricks of C4 should take down a door with their combined damage). I did, at one time messing around with the GECK come across five 'tiers' of explosives that Project Nevada classifies, but I'm not sure what for.


My idea would be a set of explosives for each level of lock - i.e., if you have a 'small breaching charge', or whatever it is called, would open an easy lock, and a 'heavy breaching charge' would open a very hard lock. Recipes to make each set of them would be nice, unless they are added to loot lists, but I think recipes would be easier. For it's pip-boy icon, you could just use the sensor module icon, and for its in-game appearance, I thought of using a sensor module with a keypad on the side (if anyone remembers the keypad on Theos ammo box in Fallout 3, when you're rescuing Reilly's Rangers).



Decent idea, but will need to be balanced, as you're essentially substituting explosive skill for lockpicking skill.


There will be need to be a chance of failure (i.e. blowing up the contents inside) and obviously this can't apply to quest doors as that'd kinda defeat the purposes of having a door in the first place. :D


It also depends on the SIZE of an object. But we can sorta "fudge" around it by claiming that your explosive skill allow you to "trim" the explosive to the proper size.


I think a decent system would be


Ability to substitute explosive skill for lockpicking skill

Require explosives (TBD) and tools (TBD) may need to be crafted or purchased

Depends on luck, both for success, and for damage done to contents (you can break open the box, only to be told you've destroyed all the content)


However, this may break a lot of quests as breaking doors this way would mean they can never close again. A full study of the doors is needed to determine what doors can be rigged this way and what cannot.

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I use the Remote Satchel Charge and the Fat Mine for lock breaching.


Some advice there, by the way... put a lot of distance between you and the lock when using Fat Mines... or use the Demigod/God mode command in the console. (tdm/tgm)


The Remote Satchel Charge requires Lonesome Road.

The Fat Mine calls for Gun Runner's Arsenal.


Obviously, if you're busting locks with explosives, you're gonna need Project Nevada. The Remote Satchel Charge is just a rewired Satchel Charge, and requires you make it from, you guessed it, a Satchel Charge.

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