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Children and adult armor


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I don't even know if this is wright place to sak this. I have been playing as a child character for last two or so days. And today I have decided to change a bit vanilla armors. But the problem is that I wish this armors to be only used for kids or just my character. But no matter what I did, the armors were used also by adult NPC's and they were ugly on them - with a lot of body distortions (since this armors were ment to be used by kids). So is there any way that I could do something to seperate adult armors and kid's armors - so the adult armors will be used only by adults and kids armors by kids? And again this armors are vanilla based - and changed (meshes). And I'm using RS Children overhaul as a chid race and for children NPC's.

I have never done this things before, so I realy don't know if it is even possible.

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