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Hey, i was wondering if anybody can make a mod where i can have a bow in one hand and magic in the other? or at least let me cast with a bow or something, i'm just tired of having to switch out my bow for a spell and blade just to cast something i wont cast again (ie i want to slap a rune down then take my bow out, it just feels too tedious and breaks the flow of combat) And besides, blocking with a bow is kinda pointless, i feel magic would be better. I've already searched for something similar, so unless i missed it, i'd really appreciate it
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I think the point of that system is for balancing. If you want to cast a spell, you should have to spend the time to equip/change and cast it. I'm not sure how it would look shooting a bow with one hand while using magic with the other, probably pretty silly.


One roundabout solution though, is to turn what spells you like into Lesser Powers? Then you could equip it and use like a shout, sort of..


Another idea is to use a mod that has enchanted arrows, like http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/search.php. Or look for a mod that makes sort of a Magic/Enchanted Archer class. I know I've seen several on the Steam workshop.

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