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Er can I do Discerning the Transmundane before the main quest sends me


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Just wandering about Winterhold area on my 2nd playthough and found that guy in his hole....

Sent me off on the quest... is it safe to do this before the main quest directs me to him?


The quest is actually the one for ELDER KNOWLEDGE,,, but because I've picked up before I'm meant to, it's called it Discerning the Transmundane.

Edited by neiljwd
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I had one character that did Discerning the Transmundane before getting as far as Elder Knowledge in the main quest line. It didn't screw up the main quest except that most of Elder Knowledge is skipped because you already have the artifact needed. Just be sure you're ready for the fight before you reach the point where you need to use it.
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Cheers Brett for answering my question :) Onward to Alftand I go!

I also found that you don't have to go through Alftand, despite what Septimus tells you, but you can go through any Dwemer ruin that has access to Blackreach. I went through Mzinchaleft so I could pick up Mjoll's sword on the way. I did Alftand for the next part of the quest where I needed the blood samples. Saving myself some backtracking is why I took that character to Septimus early, since he's the only one who can give you an Attunement Sphere.

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