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Need help with CBBE mods


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I'm getting the black shoulder patch issue with my load out. Can't seem to figure out why.

Also i've been trying to get the K-9 harness to work as well so if you guys could help with that too i would be thankful. :smile:






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I can't speak to CBBE and Body Slide, but as to the harness and everyone's best friend, the issue there goes to load order.


There is a general guide over on bethesda.net that will help out a bit. I'm going to assume you're using NMM, so adapt my instructions as needed.


1. Any patches to a mod like the K9 Harness, need to come in after the base mod.

2. I know crafting for Crossbows can be glitched when you're trying to get out of that, so you will want access to the console to send you back to your settlement or location you were doing all that crafting. If you want Survival difficulty you'll need Survival Options and Better Console, these two will help out emensly and you can throw in MCM (Mod Configuration Manager), too as that works with a number of mods, so you may be able to store the options holotapes elsewhere and free up entries in your inventory (they take no weight, but one less thing to scroll past may be something you'll want).

3. Don't forget F4SE (the Script Extender) and the Unofficial Patch, as these will help avoid some bugs.


4. How to change that load order with as little trouble as possible:

A. Try LOOT, my results have been poor, but you may have better luck getting that to work.

B. If LOOT really is having issues, this info will get around that, but first a few helpful things that should make organizing all those mods easier:

B1. NMM can export your plugins list as a text file and import it back (see on the left side below the plugins tab when you have that selected, import and export are next to each other).

B2. It will ignore lines with a # in front of them (leave out any .'s to be safe. Those lines using that guide I mentioned will give you the framework to move those mods to the right place and you can cheat a bit to get all the parts of a mod in one place, but do check on those dependencies so you can make sure you can pull that off.

B3. NMM is known for not putting the links in for the ba2 files, or at least the links get broken. If that happens manually putting the files in Fallout 4\Data should fix it (had to do that, tried finding the newer version on github, but it's a build your own deal, not an installer like at the Nexus. They are heading to Vortex, but it's still early, so I'm waiting for bugs to be squashed first). Hopefully you haven't had that happen to you, but I am running a lot of mods. I have a post up on that journey, my latest load order may help you see where some things need to be.

B5. If you have those mods organized and good to go in the text file, import it back into NMM. If all went well, all the mod plugins should be in your order and you can now see what F4SE through NMM thinks of it, or the main Fallout 4 Launcher again through NMM.

B6. Once in game check the load order there after making sure all DLC you have and the texture pack are listed as installed, if you don't have those, there are places that sell a Steam Key for the Season Pass pretty cheap (under $20 when I got mine and the game itself I grabbed for about 15). Do check on creation Club, freebies show up and once you've got'em no worries about more money needed later.

B7. If in the mods section you see an update to a mod or mods, grab a pad and pen, write those down, exit Fallout 4, remove those mods once you confirm Nexus has the update, add the new version, adjust the load order (can be done en mass, if needed through the export and import), and head back to Fallout 4.

B8. Now that those issues are squashed, check the load order in the mods section, all should be listed and active as intended, though the game may have some things to say about some of those mods. If it says the dependencies aren't loaded for a mod, check the list of mods you have and NMM, if they say you've got it, then something didn't get added into plugins.txt that should have. By now I assume you have the three needed lines in Fallout4Custom.ini, if not fix that pronto (NMM should have poped up a message about making sure the lines were in and directed you to the help article on that, if not, a quick search around here or NMM's help will net you that info).

B9. Finding the plugins file needs Administrative access to your appdata folder to get to Fallout 4 in there and find the file (path runs C:\users\"Your User Name Here"\appdata\Fallout 4\ usually). You'll find that all active plugins have an * before their names and the main game, all DLC, and any Creation Club content need to be at the top of the list and active. After these come your mods in your load order, if somethings out of place or missing, fix it (you'll need the actual esp name, so check the mod archive you had NMM grab (the settings (gear icon) section will tell you where to go, then find the mod there and take a look inside with IZArch or 7Zip). With name in hand and the proper place known, get a blank line, add the *, then type the mod esp file name. If all has gone well, returning to Fallout 4 through NMM you should find things fixed.

B10. It is good to add mods in small testable batches and do be aware some mods like Thickett Executions need you to do a quest first before enabling them (in this case "Pull the Plug"), so keep that in mind.

B11. At this point things should be working, if not further hunting is needed.


I wish you luck in your journey, I've got a sick kid to cure and some molerats to kill at some point in my game.

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