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Megaton, The Capital Wasteland


”Well, I got to start somewhere” Mike said looking up at the gate to the town.


He adjusted the strap to his bag, checked his Pip-Boy (for no reason really, just to make sure it still works) and pushed the gate open, to be immediately greeted by the town sheriff Lucas Simms: “Well, would you look at that! You’re from that vault! Welcome to Megaton, the name’s Lucas Simms. What can I help you with?” He walked forward and grabbed Mikes hand for a friendly handshake to properly welcome him to the town.

Mike was kind of surprised over the sudden nice greeting, but he gladly shook hands with the sheriff; “Well err hi, my name is Michael James Ryan, well the short version anyways, but you can call me Mike. I’m looking for my father, middle aged guy, bearded and brown, grey hair. Have you seen him?”

Simms took some time to think and then said: “Well I can’t say I have, but you could go to the local bar and ask there, maybe Moriarity have seen him, I think I saw someone matching your dads description go there a while ago” Mike nodded, thanked and went towards the watering hole, which happened to be very busy this night. He stepped inside and looked around at the patrons, no one catching his eye but one wearing a coat that looked rather dusty and a black cowboy hat but none the less he went up to the ghoul bartender who asked; “Hey smoothskin, can I get you anything?” Mike sat down on a stool; ”Let me think about it my good man” “Wait, You’re not gonna hit me? Yell at me? Not even berate me a little bit?” Gob, the bartender, looked genuinely surprised as if he had never encountered something like this before “No I hadn’t planned on it, a nuka cola please” Gob shook his head to snap out of the confusion and then went “well this is unusual. Hey tell you what, Moriarity would have my head if he caught me selling at a discount, but for you I’m willing to risk it, and the drink is on me” Mike nodded as a thanks and felt a bit good about himself, knowing he made someone feel a bit better. He then remembered why he went to the bar in the first place and asked Gob if he had seen James (his dad) but Gob hadn’t seen him and recommended Mike to talk with Moriarity instead. On the way out, a man sitting in the corner waved Mike over and introduced himself as Mr. Burke and said he had an offer for him but Mike declined after hearing it was about blowing up the town using the nuke that had given the town its name (Mike later disarmed the bomb after talking to Simms about it). He chatted some with the locals before going outside to talk to Morirarity, Gob have told Mike that he would be outside and warned him that Moriarity is pretty greedy.


Outside, he did indeed find Moriarity right outside the bar so he asked if he had seen him. It took some negotiation but sure enough, Mike was told where his father went, right into the D.C. ruins, towards the GNR station building. Mike thanked for the info and left the town, but not far from it he heard a voice behind him; “Hey! Hold up partner!” Mike turned around to see who it was, and saw that it was the stranger wearing the cowboy hat from the bar; “Sorry to interrupt you like this, but I saw you in the bar earlier and thought that you might not be that very experienced with the wasteland, am I right?” the stranger stood a bit bent over to catch his breath and Mike nodded towards him; “Yeah I just got out of the vault, so if you got some good tips I’m willing to listen to them, but first things first, what’s your name stranger?” The stranger straightened himself out and looked at Mike, with a look in his eyes that pretty much said “I know what I’m doing” and said:” Ah yes where did my manners go? The name’s Morgan, Morgan Hollister. I’m a courier and a man who knows a thing or two about surviving out here, and I’d be more than happy to help you out.” Mike nodded and grabbed Morgan’s hand, which he held out after stating his name, and introduced himself: “well, my name’s Michael James Ryan, but you can call Mike. So you really know a lot about traveling out here huh?” Morgan nodded and asked Mike if he could have a look at his backpack, which Mike agreed to, since Morgan seemed like a trustworthy person.


Morgan started to dig through Mike's backpack while commenting on the contents:"You know kid, you're not going to get far with this little stuff and...Hello, who's this?"

Morgan held up a picture that he found, depicting Mike, Amata and an unknown girl; "Please be careful with that picture" Mike asked Morgan "It's one of the few I have left from my time in the vault"

"Well who are the girls?" Morgan replied

"Well" Mike said "The one on the right is Amata, the overseer's daughter, and the one to the left is my sister Catherine"

"And what about this picture? You and the sister again?" Morgan asked after finding another picture in the bag.

"Yeah" Mike said "thats taken about 3 years before I left, maybe earlier I don’t quite remember" Morgan nodded for a little while and then said; “I see, well this 10mm pistol isn’t going to help you for that very long, I’m going to lend you some caps for some, proper, hardware and maybe some better armor but I won’t be able to give you much ok? But I can also show you how to cook some basic meals over say a campfire but that’s about it. OK?” Mike nodded, eager to begin, and soon they were both off

Wandering into the distance that is,


The Capital Wasteland


The End

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