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Skyrim wolf meat issue, Broken game!


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Hello all!


I desperately need your help.


I posted about this a while ago on loverslab and the issue still hasn't been resolved. I really need help with this, they won't reply anymore so I was wondering if anyone here could help me with the issue.

Please see my post here - https://www.loverslab.com/topic/93604-predictable-ctd-most-likely-due-to-wolf-meat-complete-crash/?tab=comments#comment-2144199 - so I won't have to be redundant, and so you all can see the solutions that I have already tried.

Thank you very much!

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Look at the mods you have installed - I think one of them overwrites something from Hunterborn that runs on wolfs and that's what makes the game crash.

I'm saying this because Hunterborn causes CTDs when something gets in its way.

I know I'm not very clear and this isn't a great answer, but it's a start.

Try loading all your active mods in xEdit and see if there are any major collisions with Hunterborn.

Good luck!

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