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which script?


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So i am working on a assassin armor mod which includes a mask,hood,etc but i want the hood and mask to have there own bounty and fame/infamy

So when you murder someone or do a quest with the armor the one who weres the armor gets the bounty famel/infamy

Is there a script to do this ? If not could someone help me with creating one ( i am a total noob in the CS)

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So i am working on a assassin armor mod which includes a mask,hood,etc but i want the hood and mask to have there own bounty and fame/infamy

So when you murder someone or do a quest with the armor the one who weres the armor gets the bounty famel/infamy

Is there a script to do this ? If not could someone help me with creating one ( i am a total noob in the CS)



You would do it through a quest script, and possibly a script on the item itself depending on how you do it. If you give me time, I'll see what I can come up with.

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This is an example, and a quick five minute job, so it's definitely not bug free. This is also set as a "Quest Script," meaning that you will need to create a quest that will "host" this script.


Scriptname MaskScript

short PlayerInfamy
short PlayerFame
short MaskInfamy
short MaskFame

Short Switch1
short Switch2

float fQuestDelayTime

Begin Gamemode

If Switch1 != 1 
;Here we initialize the mask's fame/infamy; 
;we'll never touch switch1 again
;If you do, then you could lose the stats on the mask

set MaskInfamy to 0
set MaskFame to 0
set Switch1 to 1
set Switch2 to 0

Set fQuestDelayTime to 1
;This will cause this script to execute every real time second. 
;Increase the value for increased FPS, but you will
;notice that the Fame/Infamy will not update as fast.

If player.getequipped Mask
If Switch2 != 1
	set Switch2 to 1; player is wearing mask
	set playerInfamy to GetPcInfamy
	set playerFame to GetPCFame
	SetPCFame MaskFame
	SetPCInfamy MaskInfamy

If switch2 == 1; Notice the operator here compared to the last block of code
	set Switch2 to 0; player is not wearing mask
	Set MaskInfamy to GetPCInfamy
	Set MaskFame to GetPCFame
	setPCfame playerfame
	setpcInfamy playerinfamy


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