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Player recall

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Maybe you can use PathToReference(). There was a thread just a few days ago.


That'd be ideal, but unfortunately I can't seem to get it working.


I changed:

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor target, Actor caster)


Event OnEffectFinish(Actor target, Actor caster)
PlayerRef.PathToReference(TeleportDestination, 1)

and it no longer works.


To get PathToReference to work on the player, you need to allow AI to control the player first. This line:






Do you happen to know if there's a way to force Noclip on the player, then set them to glide to a specific point?


If I'm understanding what you are trying to do correctly, it might work to run this first:


Move the actor and then turn collisions back on.



I got PathToReference() to work, thank you. Is there way to specify running instead of walking though? Even at the max parameter value my character still slowly lumbers to the XMarker. I'm trying out "abFortifyActorSpeedMult" in the meantime.

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Great to hear that you got it working!


Thanks! I think the next thing I'm going to try is multiple XMarkers dropped during the initial effect, then have the player 'TranslateToRef()' to them in reverse order back to the beginning.


I think this thread can be locked. Thanks again for the help, guys!

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