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scrap delete method in script?


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I'm looking in FO4Edit for a the part that decides an object should be disabled when scrapped specifically this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18539?tab=description

Because and please don't have a debate about weather it should be done i want to change "disable" for "Markfordelete" that way when cells reset over time the object wont respawn and be permanently removed from that save (it's up to me to be safe with it).

I'm beginning to think this is in the script rather than the esp though so could someone please confirm or did i miss it somewhere?

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Disabled objects remain disabled when cells reset. The same with enable markers. Their enabled or disabled state remains the same unless you have a script that has an on cell reset event to change things.


Mark for delete and delete doesn't work for CK placed objects. Only for script spawned ones.

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hmm then i guess i'm having some other kind of issue here because items i'm scrapping in none settlement cells are re-spawning a few game days later if i don't visit the area, things like cars, scrap piles, traffic cones etc.

Does the scrap script actually 'disable' an item then? or does it do something else entirely?

Thanks for the clarification on 'mark for delete; btw :)

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