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April is sexual assault awareness month. Every year I try to include one more site in the circle of sites that I visit with this message. I wait until halfway through the month to post or revive this thread because I understand the difficulty sometimes associated with reviewing the content. I am a gamer and as such the sites I visit are full of gamers of all ages and is also one of the largest mediums of free time. Since sexual assault can happen to anyone at anytime anywhere I felt posting on gaming forums was a great way to reach people of all ages to not only show support but to also educate and provide helpful links and information.


I am making this thread in hopes people will take the time to educate themselves and find out what sexual assault is. I am providing links to some sites and also some power point presentations that were done by college students.


If you are so inclined please take a few moments and check out the links and read the PPT's.


Preface: Anyone who has been sexually assaulted and lived is a survivor of sexual assault. Anyone who has been sexually assaulted is also a victim of sexual assault. Although both of these are true they both carry very different views about the person who was assaulted and how they are viewed by others and themselves. Sexual assault is a crime committed by predators and abusers, it has victims and if those victims live, survivors.


Sexual assault happens in many forms, can happen anywhere and can happen to anyone at anytime. You might know someone who is a victim/survivor of sexual assault, you might know them and not even know they are a victim/survivor. If someone tells you about it consider yourself lucky that the victim/survivor has confided in you because for a lot of victim/survivors it is hard to talk about.


Focus on rape: Reactions and adjustments to rape vary greatly depending on age, maturity, life experience and support system. As a victim/survivor of rape I can tell you that victim/survivors run the gambit of emotions in the aftermath of what happened. Denial, disbelief, guilt, loathing, self blame, shame, doubt. They try to minimize it, pretend it did not happen or that it was their fault.


IMO rape is worse than death. The biggest difference between death and rape is that a rape victim/survivor is left alive to relive their death over and over for the rest of their life. Confused? Try this. Everything about you, who you were, who you were going to be, your very soul is ripped from you and murdered right in front of you. Death is finality, rape is living with it for the rest of your life. You will never get over the rape but you will accept it has happened. There is no time limit or magic number of when a person accepts it and some never will.


This thread was made for educational purposes it is not a debate thread. Out of everything I do in life I take this topic the most seriously. Please keep all comments on topic and please be respectful. If you have questions about anything but feel uncomfortable about asking it here you can PM me.








Family and friends of the victim/survivor of sexual assault are also deeply impacted by the trauma.






Adobe PDF files. I tried to get Open Office Org files too but they were requiring people to dld a zip, personally I would not dld anything in zip format from anyone I did not really know so I decided to forgo the OOo files.


Adobe PDF


Breaking The Silence


Societal Acceptance of Rape and Sexual Assault


College Sexual Assault







It does not matter how a woman or man is dressed or how he/she acts. Rape is caused by rapists.

It does not matter what she/he does for a living or if he/she is flirtatious. Rape is caused by rapists.

It does not matter if he/she said yes at first but then wants to stop. Rape is caused by rapists.

Coercion is rape. Rape is caused by rapists.

It does not matter if he/she has marks on her/his body or if he/she struggles. Rape is caused by rapists.

If she/he cannot say no it is rape. Rape is caused by rapists


Depending on where you get your information 2.5 - 6% or 5 - 9% of rapes accusations are false accusations.


However just because a woman/man drops the charges, settles out of court or takes monetary compensation does not mean that the charges brought against the alleged rapist were false. Many women/men do not want to relive or recount the details of their rape. Many parents do not want to make their child relive or recount their rape. Some simply want to move on.


Out of all crimes rape is the easiest to get away with and the hardest to prove.







Thank you for your time and hopefully your support.

Edited by WaLkAwaY
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Can a moderator please fix two of my links. I tried fixing them but for some reason I cannot. The "Societal Acceptance of Rape and Sexual Assault" link for some reason says "bad request" when you click on it and after I tried to fix it my second embedded youtube video went all wonky and un-embedded itself. Thank you.


EDIT: Oh and I was going to use the report feature but it said that that was only for objectionable content. So I posted.


Thanks again. :)


EDIT: Okay, I figured out what the first problem was. The title of the file had a banned or forbidden word in the title of it. So I had to upload an edited version of the file with a different title. So that one works now but I still have the embed issue.

Edited by WaLkAwaY
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