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Game breaking explosives


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When I use a thrown explosive or launched explosive about 20 seconds later the player will freeze, as if player controls were disabled via console or cutscene. Using enableplayercontrols does not work, disable then enable, resurrect, coc to a new cell, player.setscale, showracemenu the exit....long story short nothing works. I am truly stumped. While unable to move I cannot open pipboy, use hotkey, attack, aim, nothing I also cannot save using the escape menu or quicksave or casm. Using getavhealth I am at full health so the player didn't die due to the explosion and just not have the death scene play. Also not using a controller, keys are not losing their bindings and resetting does nothing


This isn't part of the vanilla game so I started unchecking mods, nothing active that affects explosives ie Eve impact revised ballistics and it still does it, don't have any mod added explosives to uncheck, I'll continue filtering through my lo


But does anyone know an alternate way to reenable the player controls? I've just been not using explosives but it takes away from the game as NPCs can use them just fine....that's probably important

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Issue caused by a mod called enhanced npc awareness or something incompatible with it, tried loading last and still got the bug, I just won't use it, took me almost an hour of loading the game and testing to figure that out and it was the 19th mod in my lo, if it was one of the last I would have uninstalled before finding it lol
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