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CTD when opening chests


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K I use LOOT for load order TSEEdit to clean I've cleaned all DLC separately I've checked for duplicate plugins or game I've checked for steam game stability i use wrye bash and still game crashes when i open chest plz help
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well , you haven't actually provided any really useful information

and things like this usually require a glance at your load order to try and figure out

however , I'll do my best to assist


does this happen with a specific chest , or any chest?

have you tried starting a new game , and going to the same area to see if the chest also crashes this game?

because such cases are usually due to specific items spawning in the chest , and these items break your game (due to some problems with either the mod , or your installation of it)

so I would assume this is mod related , but I can't begin to suggest anything since I don't know which mods you are using

I would recommend trying to spawn items from the different mods you use , and seeing if any of these items crash the game . if so , maybe they are a part of the mod causing your issues

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