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Jail Crash



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Yea i kinda have a big issue. I got quite a bit of mods installed and one of them happens to make the game freeze so that i have you shut it down every time im about to go to jail.

Its really annoying as im playing a thief and it sometimes happens i get caught. At these points i want to go to jail as i use some of the stolen stuff a lot. (rather than paying the bounty)


Im using the Nexus Mod Manager and this are the mods: (A lot of adult ones xD)



A Quality World Map - With Roads - Quality World ap - All Roads

Adult Toys - NSFW CBBE and UNP - New UNP BLESSED BODY - Adult Toys Rebuild Mark IIb

Adult Toys - NSFW CBBE and UNP - New UNP BLESSED BODY - Vaginal Egg HotFix

ApachiiSkyHair - ApachiiSkyHair

Aurora Plus TSO

Better Females by Bella - Better Females by Bella Version 3

Catwalk - Catwalk - Normal

Combination Vanilla Outfit for UNP - combination Vanilla Outfit for UNP ver0_8

Dandelion Armor Set - UNP Mashup - Dandelion Armor v2a

DIMONIZED UNP clothing resources - DIMclothes_set1

DIMONIZED UNP female body -UNP BASE Main body V1dot2

Dragons Crown Sorceress Outfit for UNP - DCSorceress

Enhanced Blood Textures

Expanded Color Selection - Eyes - Expanded Eye Color Selection FULL

Female Werewolf - Female Werewolf


HD Textures DLC Fix - HD Texture FLC Fix v1_0

Hentai Void Armor Cold Shoulder Version for UNP - Hentai Void Armor Cold Shoulder Version for UNP

Killable children V2 - KillableKidsV2

KURESE Gloria armor conversion for UNP - KURESE Gloria

Lets get naked - letsgetnaked_main_1_2

Maxwell Outfit - UNP -Maxwell Outfit 1_0

Multiple Marriages-Spouse Dress Up-Rehousing-And More - WIP Mulmarriage093Alpha

Nightshade Armor DIMONIZED UNP - standalone - skimpysexy - Nightshade Armor Complete

No Naked Comments - No Naked Comments 1dot0

Osare KneeSocks - UNP - Osare KneeSocks 1_0

Osare Maid Outfit - UNP - Osare Maid Outfit 1_1

Osare Underwear - UNP - Osare Underwear 1_0


Pretty Female Idle - Idle Left_Standard Facing Forward

R18Pn 06 - Diano Armor for UNP and CBBE v3 - DianoCBBEv3v1dot1full

Realistic Water Textures and Terrain

Shadow Striping Fix - Shadow Striping Fix


The Art of Magicka - CBBE - UNP - Male - AOM for UNP and standard male bodies v7

TPRG CBBE CHSBHC and UNP Daedric Female - TPRG UNP Daedric Female v1

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul - UFO Ultimate Follower Overhaul

UNP - Ultra SkimpyArmor by Nightasy - UNP - UltraSkimpy Armor by Nightasy - REV A

UNP Jewelry - UNP Jewelry 1_5

UNP Nord Chainmail Armor - UNP Nord Chainmail Armor

UNP Schoolgirl Outfit - UNP Schoolgirl Outfit

UNP Survivors Cuirassfor Dimon99s body - sexy skimpy - Survivors Cuirass Footwraps and Faceplate - w elven boot fix

Updated Silverlight Armor CBBE v3_UNP - Updated Standalone Silverlight UNP Body



And thats it. Wrote'em off exactly as it is spelled in the manager.

Please help me!


EDIT: I found out that it is only on one of my saves and that the mods probably doesent have anything to do with it -.-

Edited by anonymouscommenter
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  • 3 months later...

I have exactly the same problem. I guess that the mods are not responsible for this.
I could not figure out what caused this issue and I still was not able to fix it, but in another forum I found that:

"Someone mentioned in a related issue (not precisely your issue, but guards that were attacking him non-stop, without the ability to surrender etc.) that he simply traveled to a different city in which he did not have a bounty in.
Then, he talked to a guard there, and returned to the city in which he did have a bounty - talked to a guard, and everything was back to normal."

I don't know, if that can help you, because it didn't help me. If you can fix it, please tell me what you did.

Hope that helps, so that you can help me. :thumbsup:



The solution is easy: Never steal any arrows, because the game is not sure wether it should remove these or not when you get arrested.

If you have non-stolen arrows the game puts them on just one stack and that's what causes the crash.

Hope this is helpful.

Edited by VortexDZ
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  • 5 years later...



The solution is easy: Never steal any arrows, because the game is not sure wether it should remove these or not when you get arrested.

If you have non-stolen arrows the game puts them on just one stack and that's what causes the crash.

Hope this is helpful."


5 Years later and was facing this exact problem. Thank you!
Actually worked

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